Andres (ANDY) Ramirez Nates
Owner / Editor / Photographer / PR / 23,000 beautiful and powerful people in my network
Dear Friend,
This Wednesday, February 5th, the Committee on House Administration will hold a hearing on diverse stories in the Smithsonian Institution. In addition to other bills, the Committee will specifically be addressing our legislation, the National Museum of the American Latino Act. You can help to ensure that they understand how important this is for our community and the nation as a whole.
Share your support on social media with #LatinoMuseumNow, and join us on Capitol Hill on February 5 for this historic hearing! Raise your voice with us, and call on Congress to make our vision for a Smithsonian National American Latino Museum a reality.
What: Oversight of the Smithsonian Institution: Opportunities for Growth by Honoring Latino Americans and Asian Pacific Americans
When: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 - 10:00am
Where: 1310 Longworth House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Our mission is simple: to tell the stories of the American Latino community, and ensure that those stories have a permanent home for every American to better understand the diversity that exists at the root of our founding. This year, we are closer than ever to our goal of creating a Smithsonian National American Latino Museum to preserve and celebrate our heritage, but we need your help.
Below are sample posts to share with your networks on social media:
- Our Latino youth need to see themselves in our nation’s museums & institutions. Today, we fight to create a @LatinoMuseum in our nation's capital - 500 years of U.S. history should not be ignored. #LatinoMuseumNow
- We're ready to make history. Are you? We're proud to join our community in the fight to create a @LatinoMuseum on the National Mall. #LatinoMuseumNow
Thank you for your continued support for this campaign, and for joining us in calling on Congress to take action. We can’t do this without you.
Gracias a todos,