National Mediation Policy Act
Dwayne Hickman Sr., BA, MA, Executive J.D.
Owner, Hickman Mediations & Arbitrations LLC.
Time for a National Mediation Policy Act!
This concept of "bringing mediation to the masses" is ever more realistic and vital. Mediation has been growing in America and globally for decades. Organizations such as, the National Association for Community Mediation (NAFCM), the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR), and the Academy of Professional Family Mediators (APFM) have been leading the way in making mediation a part of everyday life in America. It is now time to recognize this societal shift in how we best resolve disputes and embrace mediation as a national policy preference. Importantly, the increasing use of online mediation is now providing access to valuable online mediation services. A mediator is now readily available to each of us with a few clicks on our computer or phone. ( by Jim Melamed, CEO
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