Our first visit to the National Landlord Investment Show proved a great success.
Chief growth officer John Donigan and business development associates Marcus Hosken and Stacey Blacker represented Symple at the event at Aston Villa FC’s Villa Park stadium in Birmingham.
The National Landlord Investment Show is the UK’s leading landlord and property investment exhibition, connecting property professionals from across the UK and those interested in buy-to-let or the private rented sector.
More than 1,000 people attended the event, which was the 73rd live National Landlord Investment Show to date.
We were delighted to sponsor the morning networking event, where our banners were on display and video screenings showcased our ground-breaking platform to a wide audience.
The organisers made us feel very welcome, and it was wonderful to meet existing and potential clients and to interact with many other professionals from across the property sector.
Our exhibition stand was busy throughout the day – people were queuing to talk to our team and learn more about our exciting platform.
They loved its simplicity and how, for landlords and agents, it removes so many headaches, such as finding service providers and organising certification renewals.
John said: “Overall, it was a really good event which gave us a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of our brand and the services we provide to landlords and agents.
“It all augurs very well for future shows, and we are excitedly and eagerly looking forward to them. They can’t come soon enough!”
Symple will be attending the National Landlord Investment Show at Old Billingsgate in London on Tuesday, July 5.
We’ll also be at the event when it is at Cardiff City FC’s stadium on Thursday, September 29 and will be back at Old Billingsgate for the exhibition on Wednesday, November 2.
Looking forward to seeing you!
*For more information or to arrange a meeting at one of the forthcoming shows, contact John via [email protected] or 07966 213957 or Marcus or Stacey via the same email format.
We are so glad that you had such a great day at the show ???? Thank you for your kind comments. Roll on July London ??????