National Highways - Developer Guidance
A specialist transport planning consultancy, supporting and guiding clients through every stage of the planning process
National Highways (NH) has published updated developer guidance, ‘Planning for the future: A guide to working with National Highways on planning matters’ (October 2023). It is intended to be read alongside Circular 01/2022, ‘Strategic road network and the delivery of sustainable development’ and seeks to provide a more accessible explanation of how NH will engage ‘positively and productively’ with the planning process and what is expected to be included within planning proposals.
NH is increasingly concerned with the detail of developers’ sustainable transport strategies, the promotion of active travel and the transition to net zero, notwithstanding the paradox with the DfT’s recent ‘Plan for Drivers’.? The NH guidance now requires vision-led assessment and scenario testing, i.e. the effect of sustainable transport strategies should be allowed for when assessing the impacts of development on the Strategic Road Network (SRN).? This could be an important and helpful shift away from the historic approach of ‘robustly’ testing impacts by layering worst-case scenario upon worst-case scenario.?
The guidance reiterates NH’s long stated desire to be a proactive partner that supports economic growth and regeneration.? Given the increasingly burdensome planning system, it would be wonderful if this desire was finally realised.? In this regard, there are two key problems that we see at this stage:
Early engagement with NH is recommended in most cases where development may have an impact on the SRN. ?We have lots of experience in engaging positively and proactively with National Highways.?Do get in contact with one of the team if we can assist at all.