It is National Herb Week and so it’s the perfect time to talk about thyme!
Dr. Doni Wilson, ND, CPM, CNS
Founder/Author of Master Your Stress Reset Your Health and
Here is another fantastic herb to plant in your garden or your kitchen.
Thyme is a culinary delight with multiple health benefits, including antioxidant capacities. It contains Lutein in high concentrations which helps to inhibit oxidative damage in the nervous system, skin, heart and eyes.
Thyme’s potassium and manganese content help to relax blood vessels. This decreases blood pressure and helps prevent other cardiovascular issues from developing.
The carotenoids boost eye health and slow vision problems related to aging, specifically macular degeneration and cataract formation.
If used in essential oil form, thyme has a profound effect on respiratory health. It is anti-inflammatory and helps to rid the lungs of excessive phlegm and mucus. It is a wonderful herb to use in a steam inhalation if you feel a cold coming on or during the change of the seasons.
The aroma of thyme is incredibly calming. In times of stress, apply a dab to your temples to relieve tension headaches and recenter your focus.
Of course it is always best to work with a naturopathic doctor when using herbs, so they can recommend the best herb for your situation. No information online replaces care from your practitioner.
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