National Eye Health Week 2019
National Eye Health Week 2019
At this time of the year, it's all about increasing Eye Health Awareness. This year I’ve had the opportunity and privilege to discuss the importance of regular sight tests with a very inspiring young man, Chris Cameron and his father Alex, live on the radio with well known Chef and Eye Health Ambassador Rosemary Shrager.
Chris came onto the show to explain that during what was meant to be a routine sight test at his local @Specsavers, the optometrist detected an ocular melanoma in his left eye. The diagnosis was very quickly confirmed and Chris is now thankfully receiving treatment for the tumour. Chris and his father discussed with Rosemary and I just how important that otherwise routine sight test was in getting access to further very timely medical care. It was a real pleasure to meet Chris and his father Alex and although tumours are a very rare outcome, Chris was really none the less very passionate about reminding everyone to have a regular sight test.
Rosemary also talked about her own family history of glaucoma. Rosemary was really surprised to discover at a recent visit to Specsavers, how a regular sight test helps detect early signs of other health conditions too and can potentially prevent permanent sight loss in the future. You can read more about glaucoma and the benefits of making sure you have a regular sight test using the link below to the International Glaucoma Association.
The key to avoiding sight loss is early detection and this is exactly where a regular visit eye test at the #opticians with your #optometrist comes in.
Book Your Sight Test Today
#specsavers #rosemaryshrager #drjosie @justjosie #nationaleyehealthweek #TransformingEyeHealth