The Admit Card is issued provisionally to the candidates, subject to the fulfilment of the eligibility conditions.
- The candidate has to download the Admit Card from the NTA website ( and appear for the Examination at the given Centre on the Date and time as indicated in their Admit Card.
- No candidate will be allowed to appear at the Examination Centre, on the Date and Timing other than that allotted to him/her in his / her Admit Card.?
- In case a candidate is unable to download his/ her Admit Cards from the website, he or she may approach the Help Line between 10:00 am to 05.00 pm or write an email to NTA at [email protected].
- The candidates are advised to read the instructions given in this Information Bulletin as well as on the Admit Card carefully and follow them scrupulously during the conduct of the examination.
- In case of any discrepancy in the particulars of the candidate or his/her photograph and signatures shown on the Admit Card and Confirmation Page, the candidate may immediately approach the Help Line between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. In such cases, candidates would appear in the Examination with the already downloaded Admit Card. However, NTA will take necessary action to make corrections in the record later.
- The candidate may note that the Admit Card will not be sent by post.
- In no case, the duplicate Admit Card for NEET (UG)-2024 would be issued at the Examination Centres.
- The candidate must not mutilate the Admit Card or change any entry made therein.
- Candidates are advised to preserve their Admit Card in good condition for future reference.
- No Admit Card shall be issued to the candidates whose Applications are found to be incomplete for any reasons (including indistinct/ doubtful photographs/unsigned Applications) or who do not fulfil the eligibility criteria for the examination.
- Issue of Admit Card, however, shall not necessarily mean acceptance of eligibility which shall be further scrutinised at subsequent stages of the admission process.
Barred Items and Dress Code
The candidates will be subjected to extensive and compulsory frisking before entering the Examination Centre with the help of highly sensitive metal detectors. The candidates are not allowed to carry the following items inside the Examination Centre under any circumstances.
- Any item like textual material (printed or written), bits of paper, Geometry/Pencil Box, Plastic Pouch, Calculator, Pen, Scale, Writing Pad, Pen Drives, Eraser, Calculator, Log Table, Electronic Pen/Scanner, etc.
- Any communication device like Mobile Phone, Bluetooth, Earphones, Microphone, Pager, Health Band, etc.
- Other items like Wallet, Goggles, Handbags, Belt, Cap, etc.
- Any Watch/Wristwatch, Bracelet, Camera, etc.
- Any ornaments/metallic items.
- Any food items opened or packed, water bottles, etc.
- Any other item that could be used for unfair means, by hiding communication devices like a microchip, camera, Bluetooth device, etc.
[Note: Any applicable order of Hon’ble Supreme Court/High Courts will be followed in this regard]
- No arrangement will be made at the Centres for keeping any articles/items belonging to the candidates.
- The candidates wearing articles or objects of faith (customary/ cultural/ religious) should report at the examination centre at least two hours before the last reporting time so that there is enough time for proper frisking without any inconvenience to the candidate while maintaining the sanctity of the examination. If upon screening, it is discovered that any candidate is carrying a suspected device within such an item of faith, he/ she may be asked not to take it into the examination hall.
The candidates are instructed to follow the following dress code while appearing for NEET (UG) - 2024:
- Heavy clothes and/or long sleeves are not permitted. However, in case, candidates come in cultural/ customary dress at the Examination Centre, they should report at least an hour before the last reporting time i.e. 12.30 pm so that there is enough time for proper frisking without any inconvenience to the candidate while maintaining the sanctity of the examination.
- Slippers, and sandals with low heels are permitted. Shoes are not permitted.
- In case of any deviation required due to unavoidable (medical, etc.) circumstances, specific approval of NTA must be taken before the Admit Cards are issued.
It is desired that the candidates follow instructions issued by the NTA strictly. This will help the NTA in the fair conduct of the examination.
Note: The NTA believes in the sanctity and fairness of conducting the examination, however, it also believes in the sensitivity involved in frisking (girl) candidates and will issue comprehensive instructions accordingly to the staff and other officials at the Examination Centres. The frisking of the female candidates will be done inside a closed enclosure by female staff only.
Information for Parents/Guardians
It is expected that parents/guardians will guide their wards appropriately on the following issues before leaving home to appear in the NEET (UG) – 2024.
- The candidate will not be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after 1:30 pm Therefore, the candidate shall leave home well in advance taking into consideration various factors such as traffic, location of the Centre and weather conditions, etc.
- The candidate will follow all the instructions and maintain discipline in the examination/ Examination Hall.
- The candidate will not breach any examination rule.
- The candidate will not use or promote any Unfair means activity during the examination.
- In case, the candidate finds another candidate using unfair means in the examination, the same will be immediately informed to the Invigilators on duty.
- The candidate will bring only the following to the Examination Centre:
- Admit Card along with passport-size photograph affixed on it;
- One passport-size photograph is to be affixed to the Attendance Sheet.
- Valid Original Identity proof, and PwBD certificate, if applicable.
- One Postcard Size (4” X6”) colour photograph with a white background should be pasted on the Proforma downloaded with the Admit Card and should be handed over to the Invigilator at the Centre.
Note: Candidates who do not bring the downloaded proforma with a postcard size (4” X6”) photograph pasted and one passport-size photograph will not be allowed to sit in the examination which shall lead to his/her disqualification.
- The candidate will not bring any barred items to the Centre.
- The candidate will cooperate with the staff at the Examination Centre during Frisking.
- The candidates will report at the allotted Examination Centre well in advance to make themselves available for compulsory physical frisking.
- The candidate will follow the dress code for appearing in the NEET (UG) - 2024 Examination. If candidates are wearing a customary dress, they need to report at the allotted Examination centre by 12:30 pm on the day of the examination.
- The candidate will regularly visit the website ( and also check registered email/SMS for any updates regarding the Examination.
It is mandatory to provide the Mobile Number and e-mail of the Parent or Guardian during the submission of the online Application Form of NEET (UG) – 2024 as a copy of the Confirmation Page, The Final Score Card will also be sent to them.
In case, your ward is found breaching any of the above, the candidate (your ward) will not be permitted to enter the Examination Centre and will not be allowed to appear in the examination.
If your ward indulges in any unwanted activities, he/she shall be debarred from taking this examination as per the rules and shall also be liable for criminal action and/or any other action deemed fit by the NTA.
Ensure that your ward reaches the Examination Centre on or before 01:30 pm on the day of the examination. For the same, your ward should leave the home well in advance considering traffic, the location of the centre weather conditions, etc. It would be appropriate to visit the Centre a day before the examination to confirm the location, distance, etc. to avoid any problem of reaching late at the centre and then not being allowed to appear in the examination.
Instructions to be followed in the Examination Hall
The Examination Centre will be opened two (02) hours before the commencement of the test. No candidate shall be allowed to enter the Examination Centre after 1:30 pm. Therefore, candidates must ensure that they leave home well in advance considering all facts like traffic, location of the Centre, weather conditions, etc. Candidates are expected to take their seats immediately after the opening of the Examination Hall.
Date of Examination 05 May 2024 (Sunday)
- Timing and Duration of Examination - 02.00 pm to 05.20 pm (Indian Standard Time) (3 hours 20 minutes)
- Last Entry to the Examination Centre - 01.30 pm
- Sitting on the seat in the Examination Hall/Room - 01.15 pm onwards
- Announcement of Important Instructions and Checking of Admit Cards by the Invigilator - 01.30 pm to 01.45 pm
- Distribution of Test Booklet by the Invigilator -01.45 pm
- Writing of particulars on the Test Booklet by the Candidate - 01.50 pm
- Test Commences - 02.00 pm
- Test Concludes - 05.20 pm
- The candidate must show, on-demand, the Admit Card for admission in the Examination Hall. A candidate who does not possess a valid Admit Card shall not be allowed to enter the Examination Hall by the Centre Superintendent.
- A seat with a roll number will be allotted to each candidate. Candidates must find out and occupy their allotted seats. If a candidate is found appearing in the Examination from a seat or room other than the allotted one, the candidature shall be cancelled.
- During the examination time, the Invigilator will check the Admit Card of the candidates to ascertain the identity of each candidate. The Invigilators will also put their signature in the place provided in the Answer Sheet and on the Attendance Sheet.
- A candidate who comes after 01:30 pm shall not be permitted to enter the Examination Centre under any circumstances.
- Candidates must bring ONLY the following documents on the day of examination at the test centre. Candidates who will not bring these will not be allowed to sit in the examination.
- A printed copy of the Admit Card downloaded from the NTA website with a passport-size photograph (same as uploaded on the Application form pasted on it).
- One passport-size photograph (same as uploaded on the Online Application Form) for pasting on the specific space in the Attendance Sheet at the Centre during the NEET (UG) - 2024 Examination.
- One Postcard Size (4” X6”) colour photograph with a white background should be pasted on the Proforma downloaded with the Admit Card. The proforma with Post the size photograph shall be handed over to the Invigilator in the Examination Hall.
- Any one of the authorised photo IDs (must be original and valid and like PAN card/Driving License/Voter ID/Passport/Aadhaar Card /Ration Card/ Class 12 Admit Card with Photograph /any other valid photo ID issued by the Government.
- PwBD certificate issued by the Competent Authority, if claiming the relaxation under PwBD category.
- Candidates are not allowed to bring any barred item or any item which could be used for Unfair practices. Possession of any such article with the candidates inside the Centre premises will attract penalties for unfair practices.
- Candidates are advised in their interest not to bring any of the barred items to the venue of the examination as arrangements for safekeeping will not be made and candidates found in possession of these items will not be allowed to enter the Examination.
- No candidate will leave his/her seat or the Examination Room/Hall until the Test concludes as per the schedule. Candidates should not leave the Room/Hall without handing over their OMR Sheets to the invigilator on duty.
- Smoking in the examination centre and nearby is strictly prohibited.
- Water Bottles, Tea, coffee, cold drinks or snacks, etc. are not allowed to be taken by the candidates into the examination centre. Candidates suffering from diabetes are allowed to carry into the examination hall the eatables (with prior intimation) like sugar tablets/fruits (like bananas/apples/oranges) and transparent water bottles. However, they will not be allowed to carry packed foods like chocolate/ candy/sandwiches, etc.
- The Test will start exactly at the time mentioned in the Admit Card and an announcement to this effect will be made by the Invigilator.
- Before the start of the Examination, important instructions will be communicated to the candidates by the Invigilator for strict compliance by the candidates.
- A signal will be given at the beginning of the examination and at half-time. A signal will also be given before the closing time when the candidate must stop marking the responses.
- The candidate must sign twice on the Attendance Sheet at the specified place, the first time immediately after the commencement of the examination and the second time while handing over the Answer Sheet to the Invigilator. The candidates are also required to put the Thumb impression in the space provided on the Attendance Sheet.
- The candidate will check and ensure that the Test Booklet contains as many pages as are written on the top of the cover page.
- For those who are unable to appear on the scheduled date of the test for any reason, a re-test shall not be held by the NTA under any circumstances.
- The candidates, suffering from Diabetes, may be taken care of at the Centre as per the instructions issued by NTA.