National blackout/grid collapse.
Greetings everyone
National blackout/grid collapse.
As most of us are aware, there is a great possibility that the country could have a grid collapse.
What does this mean?
According to the engineers at the power Utility, the minimum period for the electricity to be switched back on after a collapse is 14 days.
The general response from people, when asked how they will prepare for a blackout is, "get an inverter system or generator".
As much as that is a temporary solution to having your lights on, what people fail to realize is the following:
Statistics show that after a national blackout, it generally takes 48 hours before people take to the streets. The effects of a grid collapse, to name a few are as follows.
*Banks, including atm's won't be operational.
*Cellphones will not be working ( cell towers).
*Petrol stations won't be working.
*Sewerage pumps will cease to operate.
*Water supply to taps will come to a halt.
*Food items at supermarkets and homes will not last and perish
*Looting will start happening, crime will be out of control and the police won't be able to keep law and order.
*Hunger will cause desperation causing.
good people to become hunters just to fend for their families.
*Hospitals will stop functioning.
*All traffic lights will stop functioning.
I'm not so sure that your "inverter or generator" will be the solution to the above.
It's better to be prepared and not need it, than to need it and not be prepared.
What are the possible solutions to this scenario?
Option 1 Exit the city areas.
*Ensure you have basic rations for approximately 3 months. This includes food supplies and toiletries.
*Basic camping supplies for setting up camp.
*Keep some cash on hand.
*Always make sure that your tank is full and that you have some extra fuel stored as well.
*Make sure you have alternate forms of communication. (two way radios etc)
*Keep some basic medical supplies and survival items in a bag that's packed and ready.
*Print maps of possible exit routes. Let your family be aware of the possibilities and emergency plan.
*If possible leave the cities asap and set up camp in an off grid environment with fresh water supply, preferably away from any location or squatter camps etc.
Option 2
Bolster your community centre with the following:
*Alert all churches and community associations to have a plan. Consult with neighborhood watches etc.
*Make sure your community venue has fresh drinking water
*Set up an alternative sewerage system.
Ensure that there are food rations for the community
*Generator or inverter system will be required for lights, pumps etc.
*Safety and security measures are to be put in place.
*Know the whereabouts of all elderly and sick people within the community.
The above is some very basic information to bring awareness to the possible impending crisis.
There may be many other solutions that we could come up with as a community, so hopefully this will get the hearts and minds active.
May the Almighty God guide and protect us all.
Please copy and paste and share with all who could benefit from this basic advice.