Nation-wide boreal forest biomass mapping using Norwegian NFI + ArcticDEM + Sentinel-2
In our recent study published in RSE ( we explored the possibility to use freely available spaceborne data sources together with in-situ data from the Norwegian National Forest Inventory ( to map forest aboveground biomass across Norway.
In particular, we used very-high-resolution stereogrammetric data (ArcticDEM; resolution = 2 m) and Sentinel-2. We obtained the most accurate predictions when combining stereogrammetric data and Sentinel-2. However, we also found that Sentinel-2 data alone was found to be suitable for AGB modelling.
Thanks to the availability of a large dataset of in-situ data the results of this study represent an important benchmark for future efforts in mapping forest biomass across the boreal zone.
Researcher @SmartForest ?????????
5 年NIBIO Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research