The nation votes LEAVE so I will do as they ask

The nation votes LEAVE so I will do as they ask



So the nation has voted to leave the EU.

As a committed citizen of the European Union and one who does not wish to be forced to surrender his citizenship of that Union, the impact of the vote for me is quite dramatic.

I am rather fortunate in having an Irish grandmother, so I will start the process of applying for an Irish passport.

If the UK does indeed leave the EU then I will leave the UK and move to another EU state before that right is removed from me.

There is a petition to Parliament asking parliament to offer a 2nd referendum before the article 50 notice is given. You can see the petition  HERE. ( over 3 million (3,108,155) signatures so far).

I am seriously thinking of moving to Scotland to assist with the bid for Scottish independence. Assuming that Scotland achieves independence and manages to remain in or to rejoin the EU then I would be able to settle in an EU state i.e. Scotland.

But currently my options are either Ireland or perhaps France although there is another possibility for me in Spain but that would mean learning another language. But I hope I am not too old to learn,

Thank you the LEAVE voters. I needed something to shake up my life. 


Peter C. Bell MBCS ACISI (retired) DipHE (law)的更多文章

