Nation State Law Is A Game Changer, The Biggest Geo-Political Move Since Israel Became a Nation
Lemuel Baker, Ph.D
Author of 9 informative, insightful, hard hitting and redemptive Christian books.
Just months after the United States on May 14, 2018 officially moved it’s embassy to Jerusalem, on July 18, 2018, a majority in the Knesset expressed their deep love for Israel by passing an official Nation State law that determined Israel the nation state for the Jewish people. This Nation State Law is significant because it is prerequisite to a new Israeli assertion to complete their raizon d’etre specifically to be a light to the nations by becoming more helpful to friendly partners for example relocating civilian volunteers such as the 'white helmets’ from war torn southern Syria taking them and giving them official passage through Israel into Jordan. It could also mean taking back geographical lands such as the West Bank and Gaza that have proven to be a threat to Israel, proven to be a bad policy and that violated their conscience as Jews.
All Jews know that these lands given away in compromise were given to Abraham for the Jewish people group. It could also mean Israel will now make foreign policy and domestic policy moves that in the past violated their conscience and violated their faith and beliefs as Jews. Humans can only stuff their true feelings for so long. There is an “all or nothing” attitude in many parts of the globe, a fight for what they believe in because compromise has left them feeling empty. Look at the attitudes that caused Brexit and the Conservative wave in the U.S.A. This Nation State Law is a natural progression to Israel’s becoming a nation in 1948 and a long time coming. It is the biggest thing since May 14, 1948.
One hundred and twenty two years since Theodor Herzl the father of modern Zionism, Israel has wanted to fulfill it’s vision, to declare Israel the official Jewish nation state and finally felt the climate was right to implement this vision. The historical account of YHVH giving that geographical land to Abraham in Jewish eyes can never be altered. To renounce Israel as their homeland and Jerusalem as the exclusive City of David will require a rejection of the G_d of Judaism and His laws.
The Nation State law was designed to legally and officially preserve, entrench and embody the principles of Israel, to include Judaism as the official religion, making clear Israel is not a multi-faith, multi-cultural society. Jewish politicians who have been divided on so many domestic and foreign policy issues throughout the years showed how fearful they had become regarding losing the soul and fabric of all Israel really is. This type of fear resulted in a Brexit, the United States Republican Presidential upset of 2016 and this fear may be taking traction. A large enough number of constituents believe each country has an identity, that God given identity is sacred and that identity must be preserved. The original version of the Nation State law that didn’t pass was more radical and as a result moderated. I’m concerned Israel still did not get what was closest and at the core of their heart that which would bring them inward peace.
The previous draft of the Nation State law before it was made softer because it was perceived as being too sharp contained core desires pertaining to the love of Judaism close to the heart of many Jews. Here are three entries that were moderated and that did not make it to the final draft.
- Granted primary standing to Jewish national values premised in Judaism and to make subordinate all democratic values not part of Halakha.
- A provision that would permit Jewish only communities for Jews who prefer to adhere to Jewish laws.
- A provision that would mandate courts refer to Halakha or Jewish law on matters secular laws do not address.
Below is a summary of the actual July 18th Nation State law that passed 62-55.
- Israel is the historic homeland of the Jewish people with the unique right to national self determination.
- The flag and menorah are national symbols and the national anthem ‘Hatikva.’
- Jerusalem is the united capital of Israel.
- The official language is Hebrew.
- The Hebrew calendar is the official calendar of the State.
- The Sabbath and Israeli holidays are Yom Tov - days of rest.
- Israel will ensure the safety of the Jewish people, and work to preserve the cultural, historical and religious heritage of Jews in diaspora