“Run to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem; see now and?know; and seek in her open places if you can find a man, if there is?anyone?who executes judgment, who seeks the?truth, and I will pardon her.” - Jeremiah 5:1. Where is the PLACEMENT and VALUE of TRUTH in Ghana? Is there anyone who executes JUDGMENT with TRUTH? Only men and women of GOOD UNDERSTANDING follow TRUTH. The BEGINNING of FREEDOM is when one DISCOVERS TRUTH and hold on to it. If God should JUDGE Ghana today, who will ESCAPE?

“And?like?their bow they have bent their tongues?for?lies. They are not valiant for the?truth?on the earth. For they proceed from evil to evil, and they do not?know?Me,” says the?Lord.” - Jeremiah 9:3. If men and women in LEADERSHIP and GOVERNANCE are not VALIANT for the TRUTH in Ghana, then EVIL has BESIEGED our Nation. Sponsored KILLINGS and MURDERS all over the place. The Lord shall EXPOSE all and DISGRACE perpetrators - both SPONSORS and ACCOMPLICES!!!! A nation that walk not in TRUTH suffer SHIPWRECH! What is the LEADERSHIP of Ghana HIDING? There is NOTHING HIDDEN from the EYES of God. For every SECRET under the SUN and the MOON shall be EXPOSED! Are LEADERS called to PREY on SUBJECTS or to SERVE them? Who are we DECEIVING - ourselves or Almighty God? So far as the SUN, MOON and STARS endure, FALSEHOOD shall never SURVIVE the TEST of TIME.

“Hear the word of the?Lord, You children of Israel, for the?Lord? brings?a charge against the inhabitants of the land: “There is no?truth?or mercy Or?knowledge of God in the land.” - Hosea 4:1. Can this CHARGE stand against GHANA today? Certainly YES! When the RIGHTEOUS are in POWER the people REJOICE but when the WICKED is ENTRENCHED in POWER the SUBJECTS groan and morn. WICKEDNESS and EVIL do not work the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God. Are DEVOURERS of inhabitants STUPID, do they no FEAR God? Arise Oh God, and STOP these FOOLISHNESS and STUPIDITY in Ghana. ALL humans are EQUAL before the eyes of the Creator. No CLASS or GROUP of people are more IMPORTANT than others. Ghana does not need SELFISH LEADERS who are SELF-SEEKING, COVETOUS, LOOTERS of WEALTH of the Nation to the DETRIMENT of the masses, ESPOUSERS and PERPETRATORS of FALSEHOOD, EMBELLISH and ENTRENCH LIES, deceive subjects with FAKE PROMISES and turn around to say, "ALL IS WELL WITH THE ECONOMY". Are they living on another PLANET or this same Ghana?

“And you shall?know?the?truth, and the?truth?shall make you free.” - John 8:32. Only TRUTH paves the WAY to FREEDOM. Are we making SENSE of our motto: FREEDOM and JUSTICE - when CAUTION is thrown to the dogs? Let ALL in AUTHORIRY remember that POSTERITY will JUDGE them. That ACCOUNTABILITY awaits them. They can RUN but they cannot HIDE. Because NOTHING is hidden under the Sun. Oh, SUN, MOON are STARS smite all EVIL-DOERS by day and make them RESTLESS and DISTRESSED by night. Oh, Heavens cause RIGHTEOUSNESS to SPRING forth the Earth and let the HABITATIONS of the WICKED be CURSED! Let the DWELLINGS of CORRUPTERS be LOOTED and PLUDERED and BEREFT of JOY and GLADNESS. FREEDOM, FREEDOM, FREEDOM, yes TRUTH shall stand tall in Ghana. Shalom.



