A Nation of Mistake
Ankit Goyal
16+yr. work Ex || Project Procurement Strategist || Project and Commercial Expert
Biggest Mistake of Pakistan:
Nation of Mistakes: In 1947, a nation took birth on religious grounds, getting separated from India at the time of independence. During partition, citizen of both the countries had paid the price of independence, and hence had high level of feeling of nationality. As many Islamic states, Pakistan was also wanted to prosper and develop like them. Pakistani Leadership as well as Pakistanis would have high dreams and aspirations towards their nation. The geographical location of Pakistan was also favourable, as the all the trade routes from India to central Asia was through Pakistan and was geographically neared to gulf countries as well. But what were the reasons that a newly formed Islamic nation, full of enthusiasm and nationality, with a good demography, did not prosper? Was that a curse or the mistakes made by the nation?
From any new nation, few mistakes are always expected and both India and Pakistan had made several mistakes. But today we will discuss some blunders made by Pakistan which led them blead the 1000 cuts.
The first Blunder: After Second World war, the world powers had entered into the era of cold war. US and USSR were gaining power by developing new weapons, gaining new technology, making new alleys and engaging in Proxy wars. Both US and USSR were aggressively engaging with other nations to demonstrate their powers and the world was divided into two factions. At that time, developing nations such as India and Egypt had chosen to be non-aligned with any of the nations and made the third front.
However, in Yr. 1954 Pakistan chose to join the league of US, where US had supported Pakistan with financial Aid and in return Pakistan was US puppet in International Politics. The US aid had crippled the economy of Pakistan and they were getting dependent of US day by day. Also, this aid was directed to Pakistani Defence and hence the importance of Pakistani Defence has grown immensely in the nation. Then Pakistani defence was getting involved in all governmental decisions. This has led to adopting centralisation policy, where Pakistan with only 2 states (West Pakistan and East Pakistan) was... click here to read more