Narrative Marketing: Weaving Stories That Captivate and Convert
There’s something about having the ability to create a narrative. The process that goes into it, including its structure and execution, and then straight to the final product. I believe, at some point, we all must have noticed this. There’s that one piece of brand content that makes you wonder, “How did they do that?!”.?
For me, it was an iPad Air commercial from 2014. The commercial picked up the voice of the great Robin Williams, reading Walt Whitman’s “O Me! O Life!," from a scene in the iconic movie called ‘Dead Poets Society’. Titled “Your Verse,” the commercial was an ode to the iPad Air and positioned the device as a tool of creation and innovation. The ad featured shots of real iPad Air owners using the tablet in extraordinary ways.?
The commercial itself captured the essence of life. The true elixir of being an artist and of acknowledging beauty in all aspects of life. It resonated with me very deeply, and I considered Apple (or more precisely, iPads) to be essential for artistic expression.?
There were a million ways to do this commercial. But Apple chose this. It chose to tell their story in a way that caters to their demographics and puts them in the spotlight. Sales peaked in 2014 for iPads, and I’m sure this commercial was a huge reason for that.
Now, you must wonder why I’m bringing this up. Well, it’s because I believe there is a lot of confusion when it comes to marketing brands, especially when it comes to buzz-worthy topics like storytelling. There’s a business-centric and customer-centric approach. Both are quite effective. But what works better??
Here’s how I see it:
The Business-Centric Approach, aka A Brand Story
In my opinion, a brand story is the genesis of a brand’s marketing. Every brand, in its own way, is unique. But the stories they tell and the way they tell them make all the difference. That’s when a brand can get the chance to be exceptional. A story in itself is powerful, not because people are susceptible to it, but because people relate to it. This resonates with them, making them curious to know what happens next.?
Needless to say, a brand story is centered around its main character: the brand, the hero. And the audience can be compelled to watch the hero through it all. But only if you tell the story right.
The Customer-Centric Approach, aka Narrative Marketing
Empathizing with your audience by telling your customer's story is what narrative marketing is all about. It is a customer-centric model that focuses on the customer’s life, their problems, overcoming their adversities, and the core feelings associated with the brand. The customer is made the hero of the narrative. This method engages the audience, and they become active listeners. And so, it brings clarity to what the brand has to offer them.?
In the end…
I understand that narrative-based marketing isn’t new. But even in this day and age, most brands take a business-centric approach and often get tuned out. I believe utilizing the brand voice is what can convert. I, myself, have often been influenced by the way brands tell their story. It creates an emotional connection and garners a sense of trust unlike any other. So, there’s no doubt that narrative marketing is more than a buzzword; it is a powerful approach that can revolutionize marketing strategies.
Understanding how a story works and how to structure a good story is vital. And like Mr. Williams quotes Whitman in the commercial, “The powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse. What will your verse be?”
Well, what will your verse be?
Author: Clarissa Fernandes , is our maverick wordsmith who doesn’t like anything straight. Be it words or football, she likes to give them her own spin. Despite being the newest member joining our Content Team, she handles all activities of words - spoken, written, and even pondered.? If it were up to her, she would have turned football into a planet by itself, where only the ardent sports enthusiast such as her, would be allowed to inhabit.?