Narendra Modi fight against 03 evils ?
India Youth is making change !

Narendra Modi fight against 03 evils ?

The Honble Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi ji called 03 internal enemies in his address to the nation on 15 Aug 23 from the Red Forte that are hampering India destined progress in times ahead as it crippled the same in the past by eating the roots of prosperity like termite. These are :

  1. Corruption
  2. Nepotism / Dynastsy
  3. The politics of appeasement

So, a fight against thse 03 starts. Lets first address the Corruption and in my videos and articles at LinkedIn, FB & twitter I have stated that India lost an opportunity of about $10 -12 Trillion due to these 03 as mentioned above between 1947 till 2014 as focus was only how to win elections using these 03 instruments rather any focus on development. Some efforts of development started in 1990 when India opened its economy but mainly started in 2014 when Modi ji took over as Prime Minister of India in May 2014. The politicians are mainly responsible for big time corruption and they did it involving IAS & IPS cadre officers and then it spreaded in all government services rampently at each level starting at Top to bottom at village level. If properties of all the politicians and of their nexus / associated government employees & other people & businesses are evaluated / audited today it shall be a biggest surprise to all the Indians that it shall not be less than 80-100 lakh crore( about $01 Trillion).So, focus must be that how these people are caught and punished at the earliest as conviction is very less rather minimal so far as our Laws are not good and so is the slow Judicial System. So, there is a need to bring most stringent laws and Fast Track courts to decide corruption and economic frauds / crimes cases as such crimnals / fraudetors use these short commings in Indian existing system by virtue of their corrupt money. Though, the Government led by Modi ji has stopped corruption at top level completely but not able to prosecute such corrupts at a fast / desired pace & effectively, so, government has introduced 03 bills to change the related laws those were made in 1860's in British Rule to govern Indians and loot them mercilessly.But it needs to be seen whether these laws are old wine in new bottles or address the need of strictly deal with corruption,economic frauds, money laundering and fast dispensation of justice.If court decision in such crimes or any henious crime is not decided with in a year that shall lose the impact that is needed. It is an established fact that nearly 05 crores cases are pending as our Judicial System needs reforms and Judical as well as Police Charter along with framing of best & strickest of laws. I strongly feel that if Narco Polygrapgh Test for Brain Mapping is intoreduced than these pending cases shall reduce to half and it shall reduce the corruption also by 50%. If Judicial Charter is made with strict laws making a limit on cases to be heared a number of times & verdict then verdicts are given with in a year at each court is the need of the day. Some cases could be over even in 01 hearing , some in 05 and max in 10 hearings done with in a year and decided.There must be a very strict law for telling a lie, producing lie through a documents, recorded statement and any where in declaration and for those who are making false documents, licenses, fakes, duplicates, adulteration, cheating, drugs, human traficking, molestation, and speaking against India and Indian interests.So, all the laws made fefore 1950 must be repealed at the earliest and strict ones needs to be made with definite clause that all cases must be over with in a year so that corrupts those have played havoc with the nation, taken away the rights of poor and still progressing by indulging in corruption. The corruption is biggest curse for India and sole reason that India did unleash its potential till now and with out reming it from our sytem still India will not tough deserving success and a status.

According to Oxfam's “Survival of the Richest” report published on the opening day of the 2023 World Economic Forum at Davos,?the top 01% in India owned more than 40.5 % of total wealth in 2021 while the bottom 50 percent of the population (700 million) had around three percent of total wealth. It is also a fact that the top 10 per cent of the Indian population holds 77 per cent of the total national wealth. Seventy-three per cent of the wealth generated in 2017 went to the richest 1 per cent, while 670 million Indians who comprise the poorest half of the population saw only 1 per cent increase in their wealth.So, it clear that after independence the total share of corrupt money went in to the hands of few only and poor were grossly neglected till Modi ji took over and making concerted efforts to improve the income of poor.

So, if 100 % properties are connected with respective Aadhar Cards it shall unearth Benami Properties of worth atlest $ 01 trillion.The corrupt politicians and government employees including Babus and other corrupts must be exposed and punished otherwise India shall not progress at a desired pace and not unleash its full potential. So, corruption free governance is msut. So, Honble Prime Minister fight against has to be taken to the logical conclusion and I am convinced that Modi ji has made a determination to do it now with out worrying about its ramifications.Singapore was once upon a time most corrupt but one Prime Minister taking strong action against his own minister changed the destiny of a nation and today Singapore with out having any natural resources is a flowrishing economy with such a high per capita income.

The Dynast rules at centre and in states is mainly responsible to big time corruption and it affected Growth in the past so badly otherwise India could have been a GDP nearly equal to China as China got independence nearly at the same time. So, dynasts rule from the states have to go as people of India has already thrown it away at centre.Modi ji is sure to win in 2024 and with bigger majority than the 2019 win.

The politics of appeasement has come to a halt since 2014 onwards as Narendra Modi ji politics is for inclusive development on the princeple of Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas Sabka Priyas and minorities are biggest gainer of all the social schemes for the poor launched between 2014 till now as there is no discrimination on any basis and as a result not only biggest Inclusive Development took place in India that has catapulted about 135 million people out of poor category anf joined a lower middle income bracket. So, people have made mind that appesement politics shall never be now part of the same. To kill it forever, the UCC is must at the earliest and it is being brought in Parliament and it shall be in force. Similary, some laws such as The Shariat Act 1937, Puja(worship) Stahal Act , Minorty / Majority Act and The Waqf Board act have to be scrapped at the earliest so that the politicas of appeasement gets over in India for ever. I am sure the Government of India led by Narendra Modi ji shall initiate these desired actions as needed by the people of India at the earliest.

India win against these 03 internal enemies must be accomplised at the earlest so that India unleash its full potential and become a self-reliant fast and a fully Developped Nation by 2047 at its 100 years of independance.

Sudhir Kumar

IoD Certified Corporate Director, ESG& DEI Expert #1bestselling author, Risk Analysis, Nuclear Tech &SMRs, Leadership, OD & Team Building, AI,Quantumn & Cyber Secu

1 年

Time has come that these 03 evils must not find any place in India any more.


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