Naples January 2025 Housing Market Update
The ability to communicate clearly with succinct?precision is a skill few possess. Many blame the era of social?media for not only the decline?in attention span, but also the patience and talent to harness it. I like storytelling, which at times has been alleged as rambling, tangent-ridden word salads. Knowing our audience and playing to them is a great mental exercise which can help build social etiquette. Not settling in to a certain way of thinking or communicating that we?have carved out for comfort or tradition, but rather consistently reaching out with our ears and hearts to be partners with those who seek answers and solutions, since we might be seeking the?same and not even realize it. We are better together when rooted in truth.
Delivering the news of a new all time record Median Sales Price in Naples for January 2025 is where I would like to start this month’s?story. Along with the second lowest sales in Naples (going back to 2012) during November 2024, we also saw a big spike in Pending Sales that?same?month. I imagine that is what caused a 13.7% increase in sales in January 2025 over January 2024 and a whopping 8.5% increase in Median Sales Price in the Overall Naples Market. Naples is now at an all-time high of $654,000 Median Sales Price. No crash in sight, but buyers can certainly find deals if they are willing to write offers. Writing offers is not hard or time consuming. Simple proof of funds, a pre-approval letter and a buyer-broker agreement is all that is needed to test the motivation of a seller. Your agent not willing to try for you? Hire me.
Some great deals right now are located in Royal Harbor and Kings Lake off Davis Blvd. Click on the images below for more details on these investments.
1660 Sandpiper St | Royal Harbor
2708-214 Santa Cruz Blvd | Kings Lake
?Median Sales Price
Overall Naples Market – $654,000 | +8.5%
ZIP 34102 – $2,600,000 | +35.9%
ZIP 34103 – $816,500 | -32.0%
Golden Gate Estates – $620,000 | +18.7%
As mentioned above, Total sales for the Overall Naples Market are way up over a year ago. Even more impressive is that Single Family Homes in the Overall Naples Market were up 22.5% from January 2024. We should see better numbers (subjective) in most categories this year vs last year since 2024 was one of the worst years for real estate in 40 years. Golden Gate Estates came in with 23.7% more sales than January 2024 and even 34102 (Royal Harbor, Old Naples & Port Royal) saw a bump in sales that seems to have contributed to the 35.9% increase in Median Sales price. 34103 looks like it is struggling a bit with Median Sales Price and Sales. It will bounce back. There are lots of great properties priced perfectly in Park Shore, including my extremely well-maintained listing in the coveted La Mer building on the 9th floor. I truly don’t ever want to leave that condo when I have completed a showing or open house. March 2nd from 1-4 is the next open house, I hope to see you there.
4051 Gulf Shore Blvd N | Park Shore
Total Sales
Overall Naples?Market – 557 | +13.2%
ZIP 34102 – 24 | +20.0%
ZIP 34103 – 28 | -20.0%
Golden Gate Estates – 47 | +23.7%
Inventory in January 2025 in the Overall Naples Market has certainly shot up year over year since the beginning of 2022. But what do you all expect? Interest?rates dropped down to the high 2’s during the Covid era, forcing a buying frenzy which limited supply to some of the lowest numbers on record. Of course we were going to see jumps in inventory?over the last couple of years. I always say this, but take a look at inventory prior to covid, It looks pretty similar. In January 2025, the Overall Napes Market pulled in 6,900 properties for sale, a 41.4% jump from January 2024. 34102 came up 36.1% while 34103 and Golden Gate Estates increased 27.7% and 19.9%, respectively. As I can report from being a “boots-on-the-ground” REALTOR? everyday, it seems as though the stagnant market of the last year or two is showing signs of coming out into the sunlight. My open houses are starting to have decent traffic and the commentary of actual buyers is beginning to change. Optimism is in the air and the winds are shifting. The message I hope to get across to sellers right now is to be patient,?if time is not a big issue. If you have discussed the pricing of your property with your qualified REALTOR? and have landed on an asking price that makes sense and can be supported, just keep on truckin’. But you have to keep an eye on your competition and sale comps too.
“Value” is an elusive word because?people value different things. If an owner truly believes that their property value X amount, then they shouldn’t budge. If the seller has time on their side, just wait it?out and find an agent who will support you in that. But at a certain point, maybe that owner starts to value moving along with their life’s plan more, and if that means dropping their price, then that is what they should do. For buyers, I think it is just as easy. Write offers on homes that you like for a price and terms you are comfortable with. I think it is absolute nonsense?to not write an offer in fear of not wanting to “offend a seller”. We all do better by communicating with one another. This is how healthy families and healthy countries thrive. In real estate, communication is achieved through offers and negotiations. You never know what either side will do once an official offer is being tossed around. Things get real. It is a sobering time to realize that life can potentially change in such a moment. Decisions can be tough, but they can also be easy.
One of the easiest choices in Golden Gate Estates right now is 2112 16th St NE. You won’t find a better workshop on 100% uplands in this price range.
2112 16th St NE | Golden Gate Estates
Overall Naples Market – 6,898 | +41.4%
ZIP 34102 – 615 | +36.1%
ZIP 34103 – 525 | +27.7%
Golden Gate Estates – 421 | +19.9%
My thoughts on why Days on Market are up, almost across the board except for 34102, is that buyers are still thinking the market is coming down. A friend of mine said recently that he thinks the tariff situation could be spooking buyers a bit. I think the average person tends to swing from one worry to the next, as if God is not in control of everything. We have a choice every morning to either be optimistic, joyful and to take on the challenges of the day with hope and tenacity, or to succumb to fear, opposition and the very struggle that has been intended for us to grow. One could look at the increased Days on Market as an opportunity to think about where they truly want to live next or if they should even sell at all! Prices seem to still be increasing?in the Overall Naples Market so maybe that sales price does not have to be rolled over completely into a replacement property.
Days on Market
Overall Naples Market – 55 | +22.2%
ZIP 34102 – 46 | -29.2%
ZIP 34103 – 51 | +10.9%
Golden Gate Estates – 82 | +95.2%
Maybe this extra time that it is taking a property to sell is a gift so that we can look into other ways to invest the proceeds when it does finally sell. Don’t give up my seller friends, and to the buyers out there, sellers want to talk to you, but you must start the conversation with an offer. If a seller gets 3 or 5 offers that are all 20% under their asking price, don’t you think that would help them to see that if they drop their price, they could probably sell the home quicker? It really doesn’t take too much effort to submit an offer. That is the job of us REALTORs. And like I said before, if you don’t have an agent who is willing to help you start conversations, then maybe you need a new agent, like me. I realized long ago that relationships are the key to happiness and success. Zig Ziglar said once that “You can have anything you want in the world, as long as you help someone else get what they want”
Hire Talent | Hire Josh Amolsch
Josh Amolsch
Premiere Plus Realty, Co. | #SL3522310
1100 5th Ave S #101B, Naples, FL 34102
239.302.8475 |?[email protected]?|
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