Napkins Versus Tissues
Yomorebi Hospitality Consulting
Helping hospitality businesses do better.
Recently, we dined at a restaurant where we needed tissue paper for our fingers owing to an oily dish we had just eaten by hand. Although there was a cloth napkin, we couldn’t find tissue paper easily. On using the cloth napkin, we found out that it didn’t really help with reducing the oily layer on our fingers. This made us think that hospitality establishments should really make an educated choice between tissue paper and cloth napkins considering a variety of reasons.
Would it make sense for establishments to have both and if yes, should both options be available on tables? ?
We must also consider the aspect of practicality and if it is in tune with the type of restaurant. A fine dining establishment may opt for cloth napkins while a casual dining one may opt for tissue paper. The type of cloth napkins would also need to be considered. While there is attention given to the aesthetics of the napkin, it would also need to be tested as in the case of oily fingers.
Staff being aware of hygiene standards is also crucial. If staff are unhygienically touching napkins, then can guests use them on their face and mouth? In this case, wouldn’t tissue paper be better?
At a table, we noticed that a napkin wasn’t present. The staff just pulled one from the other table and handed it to the guest.
Really, how clean are your napkins? In this regard, wouldn’t it make sense to have use-and-throw tissue instead?
Coming to the cost aspect. While napkins maybe considered to reduce the costs of table linen in the long run, tissues may seem a bit more expensive as running costs. The cost of napkins would also depend on other aspects such as the material, colour, quantity and so on. The running cost of napkins would be the laundry costs.
Tissue on the other hand bear no such costs.
What about the environmental impact? One may consider tissue as being detrimental to the environment but there are options available in bamboo and sustainable forest wood options today. Napkins on the other hand have the environmental impact in the form of water usage for washing and the detergent that maybe going into water sources outside the establishment.
What are your thoughts on Napkins versus Tissues?
#sustainablebusiness #environmentalimpact #servicebusinesses #hotelowners