When the Angel Nanutea (pronounced Na Noo Tay A, accent on Tay) was six, an incident had happened which had marred her for life. It wasn’t a horrible incident, not really. And, it didn’t mar her physically. Still, it affected her life in ways that she wished it wouldn’t. Nanutea had gotten into so much trouble that day, that ever since, she always tried to follow every single rule. Nanutea even tried to follow some rules that didn’t exist. She only imagined that they were real.
?That afternoon, it had been snowing. Such soft, bright, beautiful snow! Nanutea went down to Earth to play in it. So did several other young Angels as well as some Angels who weren’t quite so young. Playing was approved of. It was even encouraged. As Nanutea played, she climbed higher and higher. She was climbing so that she could reach the snowflakes as they fell. In her game, the higher the snowflake was, the greater the prize. At first, Nanutea climbed small trees. Then, she jumped from them to taller trees. When she reached the tops of those, she jumped to even taller trees. Always, she kept climbing. Now, she had reached the tops of the tallest tree. And, she jumped once more, right before the sunset, to a nearby building which was even taller. Nanutea scrambled up the side of that building. She wasn’t worried about falling. After all, she was an Angel. And, Angels have wings.
?Later that evening, Nanutea reached the roof. She still had a while before she needed to fly back to Heaven and get to sleep. Young Angels, like herself, needed to sleep some every night. Otherwise, she might have stayed up all night, the snow was so wonderful. The stars and the moon were out. And, that gave Nanutea plenty of light to play by. She ran around trying to think of what to play. After a while, she laid down on the roof and made some Snow Angels.
Nanutea was finally wearing out. So, she leapt off of the roof, intent on flying towards the ground, then swooping back up into the sky, all the way to Heaven. But, Nanutea had forgotten to follow one of the many, many rules for Angels. Always, always brush the snow off your wings before you fly. The snow on her wings from making all of those Snow Angels, attracted more snow. Soon, that snow became heavy enough that it all rushed off of her wings at once. Nanutea could only look on with horror at what happened next.
The snow headed straight for a very old shed. When it hit the top of that shed, the roof collapsed. The roof was very old and needed to be repaired. There was nothing inside. And, nobody was around. So, nobody got hurt. Still, it should have never happened. Nanutea should have brushed the snow off of her wings before she took flight. Nanutea got into so much trouble with the Angel Hierarchy that she never forgot to brush the snow off of her wings again. She even went through the motions of doing so when it wasn’t snowing. Nanutea also tried to follow all of the million and one rules for Angels from that day forward.
Now, Nanutea was in her twenties. And, she had never had to go before the Angel Hierarchy again. Yet, she had no doubt that she was about to be in trouble with them. Nanutea always sensed that. But, this time, it was for real.
Nanutea had met a Human. And, it must have been her fault because Humans aren’t supposed to be able to see Angels. But, this one could. Several rules had to do with not interacting with Humans. Still, Nanutea had met this Man. And, she had liked meeting him. And, worst rule breaking of all, she liked him and was planning to meet him again.
Nanutea knew that she must be crazy. This would surely bring down the wrath of the Angel Hierarchy on her. And, to make matters worse, Nanutea had a record. She was known for breaking the law.