We can learn from nature.If you look at Nano-cotton shirt, nano-cotton fabric.Nano-cotton shirt are designed to be spill resistant.So if something spills on it, it kind of slips away fromyour shirt.And the structure of nano-cotton is very similar to that of the paraffin-like coating on leaves.So when water droplets fall onto the leaves,they just slip away.Dr. N Shehabuddeen .Nanofabrics are textiles engineered with small particles that give ordinary materials advantageous properties such as superhydrophobicity (extreme water resistance, ),odor and moisture elimination,increased elasticity and strength,and bacterial resistance.Depending on the desired property, a nanofabric is either constructed from nanoscopic fibers called nanofibers , or is formed by applying a solution containing nanoparticles to a regular fabric. Applications of nanofabrics have the potential to revolutionize textile manufaxturing textile and areas of medicine .A fiber that has a width of less than 1000 nanometers (1000 nm or 1 μm) is generally defined as a nanofiber. A nanoparticle is defined as a small group of atoms or ,nolecules with a radius of less than 100 nanometers (100 nm).The use of nanoparticles and nanofibers to produce specialized nanofabrics became a subject of interest after the sol-gel and electrospinning techniques were fully developed .Nanotechnology, or more accurately nanotechnologies, describe the many ways that scientists can now work with the actual molecules and atoms that make up our world. It’s basically a way of making things.We measure things in metres and centimetres, but nano scientists work in nanometers, that’s a billionth of a metre.