NANOBIOMAT-08: Nanotechnology & Biomaterials Sci. Congress, Birmingham & Portsmouth, UK-Jackson & Fargo, USA, 2022.

Welcome Message.?Dear colleagues worldwide welcome to NANOBIOMAT-07: Congress Series on Nanotechnology and Material Sciences. This is an inter-university trans-Atlantic congress co-hosted by researchers of USA-Europe institutions. NANOBIOMAT series welcome contributions in all experimental and/or computational topics related to Biomaterials, Biotechnology, Material Sciences, and Nanotechnology.

Topics of Interest. NANOBIOMAT series welcome contributions in all experimental and/or computational topics related to Biomaterials, Biotechnology, Material Sciences, Polymers, and Nanotechnology. The topics include, but are not limited to the sustainable development of new and safe molecules, materials, biomaterials, ceramics, liquid crystals, alloys, polymers, biopolymers, quatum dots, etc. with emphasis on Nanotechnology, Material Sciences, Polymers, Coating Materials, Nanotoxicology, Toxicology, Biomaterials, Biopolymers, Biotechnology, Biomarkers, Vaccines, Biofuels, Enzymes, Computational Materials and Nanosciences, Cheminformatics, Nanoparticle Drug Delivery Systems, etc. The workshop also deals with all the legal and regulatory uses related to the patenting, production, and use of nanoparticles, polymers, materials, etc. and their impact in human safety and environment.

Co-Hosts & Supporters. From North America's side the workshop is co-hosted by professors of of Coatings and Polymeric Materials (CPM), North Dakota State University (NDSU), Fargo,?USA. In addition, the workshop is c-hosted by professors of the NSF-CREST Interdisciplinary Center for Nanotoxicity (ICN), Jackson State University (JSU), Jackson,?Mississippi, USA. The Center includes faculty members from JSU Departments of Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Physics, and Civil and Environmental Engineering. From Europe's side the workshop is co-chaired by professors of School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham (BIRMINGHAM), England,?United Kingdom,?Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TUNI), Tampere,?Finland.?The workshop is also co-chaired by professors and researchers Nanotechnology Cluster?TECNALIA, Donosti-San Sebastián,?Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, University of The Basque Country?(UPV/EHU), and?IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, Bilbao,?Basque Country, Spain. This workshop will be hosted online by the?MOL2NET?conference series. It means, that all communications will be published online at?Sciforum?platform. All presentations will be published in open access free of cost and a DOI number will be assigned. At the end of the year all contributions will be published in the Proceedings Book of the MOL2NET-05, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences,?ISSN: 2624-5078, MDPI SciForum, Basel,?Switzerland.


In parallel, the members of committees and/or authors are encouraged to edit special issues for different journals of the editorial MDPI ( The special issues run in parallel, or totally independently from the conference. Manuscripts should be submitted online at? in to this website. In order to send a proposal of associated workshop and/or special issue contact the chairperson of the conference Prof.?González-Díaz H. Please, check the following special issues associated to the topic of the workshop. This year?Journal?Nanomaterials?(ISSN 2079-4991), JCR IF =?5.076?sponsors all the MOL2NET'22 conference and in special NANOBIOMAT-08. We invite you to submit your full journal paper (APC Charges Apply) to our special issue in this journal (see details bellow):

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Nanomaterials (Call For Papers):?Special Issue:?Computational Nanomaterials Design: Databases, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data Analysis. Journal?Nanomaterials?(ISSN 2079-4991),?JCR IF = 5.076.?Editors: Prof.?Humbert González-Díaz, UPV/EHU, Leioa, Bilbao,?Basque Country, Spain. Las Date:?25 Dec 2022.

Nanomaterials (Published):?Special Issue:?From Nanoinformatics to Nanomaterials Risk Assessment and Governance.?Journal:?Nanomaterials?(ISSN 2079-4991),?JCR IF = 5.076. Editors:?Prof.?Dario Greco, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology,?Tampere University, Tampere, Finland.?Dr.?Antreas Afantitis,?Department of Cheminformatics,?NovaMechanics Ltd, Nicosia, Cyprus. Prof. Dr.?Iseult Lynch, School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences,?University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.?Dr. Maria Dusinska?, NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research,?Kjeller, Norway. Prof. Dr.?Miguel A. Banares?, CSIC - Institute for Catalysis,?Madrid, Spain.?Closed:?2020-Sept-01

Nanomaterials (Published):?Special Issue:?From Measurements to Predictive Models: Recent Advancements in Nanosafety Research.?Journal:?Nanomaterials?(ISSN 2079-4991),?JCR IF = 5.076. Editors:?Prof. Dr.?Tae-Hyun Yoon, Center for Next Generation Cytometry, Hanyang University, Seoul 04763,?Korea. Prof. Dr.?Eugenia Valsami-Jones, University of Birmingham, Birmingham,?United Kingdom. ...?Prof.?Dario Greco, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology,?Tampere University, Tampere, Finland. Closed:?2022-Jan-31.

Nanomaterials (Published):?Special Issue:?Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Templated Materials.?Journal:?Nanomaterials?(ISSN 2079-4991),?JCR IF = 5.076.?Editor:?Prof. Juan M. Ruso, Department of Applied Physics,?Faculty of Physics,?University of Santiago de Compostela (USC),?Santiago de Compostela, Spain.?Closed:?2021-June-30

Nanomaterials (Published):?Special issue entitled:?Experimental Nanosciences, Computational Chemistry, and Data Analysis. Journal?Nanomaterials?(ISSN 2079-4991),?JCR IF = 3.55. Editors: Prof.?González-Díaz H, UPV/EHU,?Basque Country,?Spain, Prof.?B. Rasulev?, NDSU,?USA,?Dr.?Shameer Khader, Philips, Cambridge, MA,?USA,?Prof.?H. Ku?i?, UZ,?Croatia.?Closed:?2017-Nov-30

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Pharmaceutics (Call):?Special Issue:?Advances in Veterinary Medicines and Vaccines. Journal:?Pharmaceutics?(ISSN 1999-4923),?JCR IF = 6.321.?Editors: Prof. Dr.?Ma. Auxiliadora Dea-Ayuela, Dept. of Pharmacy, School of Health Science, University CEU Cardenal Herrera,?Valencia, Spain. Prof. Dr.?Dolores R. Serrano, Dept. of Pharmaceutics and Food Technology, School of Pharmacy, University Complutense,?Madrid, Spain, and Prof. Dr.?Aikaterini Lalatsa, School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Portsmouth,?Portsmouth, United Kingdom. Submissions Until:?31 October 2021

Pharmaceutics (Published):?Special Issue:?Nanosystems as Drug Delivery Carrier: From Nature to the Medication. Journal:?Pharmaceutics?(ISSN 1999-4923),?JCR IF = 6.321.?Topics: drug delivery systems, cyclodextrin, nanomedicine, active drugs, bioavailability.?Editor:?Prof. Eduardo Sobarzo-Sanchez, Email:?[email protected],?Instituto de Investigación e Innovación en Salud, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Central de Chile,?Chile.?Submissions Until:?31 October 2020

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Molecules (Published):?Special Issue:?QSAR and QSPR: Recent Developments and Applications IIJournal:?Molecules?(ISSN 1420-3049),?JCR IF = 3.06.?Section "Computational and Theoretical Chemistry". Editor:?Prof. Alla Toropova, Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS, Via Mario Negri 2, 20156 Milano,?Italy.?Submissions Until:?15 December 2020.

Molecules (Published):?Special Issue:?Cheminformatics, Past, Present, and Future: From Chemistry to Nanotechnology and Complex Systems.?Journal:?Molecules?(ISSN 1420-3049),?JCR IF = 3.06. Editor:?Prof. Humbert González-Díaz, IKERBASQUE Professor, Dept. of Organic Chemistry II, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , 48940, Leioa, Biscay,?Basque Country, Spain.?Prof. Alejandro Pazos Sierra, Chair and Director of Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Coru?a (UDC), Coru?a,?Spain.?Dr. Aliuska Duardo-Sanchez.?Faculty of Law, University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU, Leioa (Great Bilbao), Biscay,?Basque Country, Spain.

Honor Co-Host Chairperson Committee

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Prof. Jerzy Leszczynski, (USA?Presidential Distinguished Fellow),?Director CREST NSF Interdisciplinary Center for Nanotoxicity (ICN), Dept. of Chem. and Biochem., Jackson State University (JSU),?Jackson, USA.

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Prof. Bakhtiyor Rasulev,?President of MOL2NET Scientific Committee for Polymers & Materials Sciences.?Department of Coatings and Polymeric Material, North Dakota State University (NDSU),?Fargo, USA. Email:?[email protected]

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Prof.?Iseult Lynch, School of Geo., Earth and Environ. Sci., Univ. of Birmingham,?Birmingham,?United Kingdom.

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Prof.?Dario Greco, Tampere University, Tampere, West and Inner Finland,?Finland. Email:?[email protected]

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Prof.?Aikaterini Lalatsa, Reader in Nanomedicines at University of Portsmouth,?Portsmouth, United Kingdom. NANOBIOMAT Executive Chairperson, Email:?[email protected]

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CEO?Marine Le Bouar, The Nanotechnology World Association (NWA),?Singapore.

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Prof.?Antonio Luque, BCMaterials Center, Dept. of Org. & Inorg. Chem., UPV/EHU,?Basque Country,?Spain. Email:?[email protected]

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Ph.D.?Yolanda de Miguel?, Dir. Nanotechnology Cluster, Tecnalia,?Basque Country, Spain.?[TECNALIA NANOTECH, Youtube Cover]

Scientific Committee

Prof.?Rosa María Hernández, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Basque Country, Vitoria,?Basque Country, Spain.

Dr.?Supratik Kar, ICN, Dept. of Chem., Phys. and Atm. Sciences, Jackson State University,?USA.

Dr.?Gerardo M. Casa?ola, Dept. of Coat. and Polym. Mat., NDSU, North Dakota,?Fargo, USA.

Dr.?Barry Hardy, CEO Edelweiss Connect, President of?OpenTox?Association,?Basel,?Switzerland.

Prof.?Juan M. Ruso, Dept. Applied Physics,?University of Santiago de Compostela (USC),?Spain.

Prof.?Natalia D.S. Cordeiro, Dept. of Chem. and Biochem., University of Porto,?Porto,?Portugal.

Prof.?Agnieszka Gajewicz, Assist. Prof., Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdansk,?Gdansk,?Poland.

Prof.?Ma. Auxiliadora Dea-Ayuela, Dept. of Pharm., University CEU Cardenal Herrera,?Valencia, Spain.

Prof.?Dolores R. Serrano, Dept. of Pharm. and Food Tech., University Complutense,?Madrid, Spain,

Dr.?Natasha Sanabria, National Inst. for Occupational Health, Johannesburg,?South Africa.

Dr.?Alla Toropova, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS, Milano,?Italy.

Dr.?Andrey Toropov, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS, Milano,?Italy.

Prof.?Juan M. Gutierrez-Zorrilla, Dept. of Org. & Inorg. Chem., UPV/EHU,?Basque Country,?Spain.

Prof.?Antonio Luque, Dept. of Org. & Inorg. Chem., UPV/EHU,?Basque Country,?Spain.

Prof.?Jose Luis Vilas, Dir. Dept. of Physical Chemistry,?UPV/EHU,?Basque Country,?Spain.

Prof.?Luis Lezama,?Dept. of Org. & Inorg. Chem., UPV/EHU,?Basque Country,?Spain.

Prof.?Izaskun Gil de Muro, Dir. Dept. of Org. & Inorg. Chem., UPV/EHU,?Basque Country,?Spain.

Prof.?Maite Insausti, Dept. of Org. & Inorg. Chem., UPV/EHU,?Basque Country,?Spain.

Prof.?Aintzane Go?i, Dept. of Org. & Inorg. Chem., UPV/EHU,?Basque Country,?Spain.

Prof.?Oscar Castillo,?Dept. of Org. & Inorg. Chem., UPV/EHU,?Basque Country,?Spain.

NANOBIOMAT Steering Chairman

Prof.?González-Díaz H., IKERBASQUE Professor, Email:?[email protected]

(1) Dept. of Org. & Inorg. Chem., University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU,?Basque Country, Spain.

(2) IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science , 48011,?Bilbao,?Basque Country,?Spain.

NANOBIOMAT Assistant Chairperson

Prof.?Sonia Arrasate, Email:?[email protected]

Dept. Org. & Inorg. Chem., Univ. of Basque Country (UPV/EHU),?Basque Country, Spain.

NANOBIOMAT ICTs & Regulatory Affairs Chairperson

Dr.?Aliuska Duardo-Sanchez?(Law.Lic., Ph.D. TICs & Legal Sciences)

IKERDATA S.L. Data Protection Officer (DPO), ZITEK,?Univ. of Basque Country (UPV/EHU),

Rectorate Building, Sarriena w/n, 48940, Leioa, Grt. Bilbao,?Basque Country, Spain.

NANOBIOMAT Registration Manager

MSc.?Harbil Bediaga, IKERDATA S.L. CEO, University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU

ZITEK, Office 6, Rectorate Building, 48940, Leioa, Greater?Bilbao,?Basque Country, Spain.

Link:?, Email:?[email protected]



