

brings established FTIR spectroscopy to the nanoscale

nano-FTIR (nanoscale Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) is a powerful combination of s-SNOM equipped with broadband illumination and FTIR-based detection developed by neaspec. nano-FTIR provides true FTIR spectroscopy at the spatial resolution of AFM, delivering nanoscale chemical identification and hyperspectral imaging.


Broadband illumination requires a method for recording spectrally-resolved amplitude (reflectivity) and phase (absorption) of the broadband scattered light, while completely suppressing parasitic background.


nano-FTIR was developed and patented by neaspec and is the only technology that can simultaneously detect broadband near-field amplitude and phase spectra with 100% background suppression.

nano-FTIR is based on a s-SNOM setup comprising an asymmetric interferometer where the AFM tip and the sample are located in one of the interferometer arms. A broadband source (e.g. laser, synchrotron, etc.) illuminates the AFM tip and the tip-scattered light is recombined with the reference beam at the detector. The detector signal is recorded as a function of reference mirror position, creating an (asymmetric) interferogram which is processed by the patented FTIR-based detection. Fourier transformation of this interferogram returns the local amplitude and phase spectra, which relate to the sample reflectivity and absorption (size of the images above is 5x5 μm).

Technology Benefits

Technology Benefits

Advantages & Strengths

Suitable Systems



