Nanny Advice
Where do Nannies turn to for advice? Nannies are lone workers so do not have colleagues to bounce off and managers to get advice from. Many nannies turn to social media groups to ask for advice with work-related matters. As an agency I love the support nannies offer other nannies and to a certain extent I promote this. Alarm bells ring to me when nannies ask questions relating to:
- Employment
- Salary
- Contract
Along with nannies offering “answers” in relation to these questions The majority of these groups are run by nannies for nannies, which is brilliant, but I would like to make you aware that the “answers” are the opinions or experience of the authors. They may not be factually or, more importantly, legally correct. Remember, no two nanny jobs are the same and therefore contracts vary considerably too. Unless the person giving you advice has sight of your terms and conditions and is in possession of all of the facts, they could unintentionally cost you dearly.
As an agency we are not insured to get involved with contracts and such like, which is why we advocate for “signposting” to the specialised companies that are.
So, please think very carefully before seeking or offering your advice in a group on social media (especially regarding the topics touched on above)
Obviously, this does not apply to the social side as many nannies and children benefit from play dates, ideas and nanny meet ups as a result of well organised social media nanny groups
Savernake Nannies advise their nannies to go to an association or company that is able to legally advise you
ACAS: Offer free and impartial advice to employers and employees
BAPN: Nanny association
PACEY: Childcare & Early Years Association
VOICE: Union for education professionals