Nanites (Virtualized Geometry System)

Nanites (Virtualized Geometry System)

  • What is Nanite?

Nanites is new technology introduced in Unreal 5 and Later versions, using which Developers can add High quality meshes without worrying about performance or size. Nanites are best way to replace LOD (Level of Details) since nanites do not switch meshes farther it gets from camera.

  • What is the difference between Static mesh and Nanite mesh?

Nanite meshes are static meshes but with nanites enabled. Even after converting Static mesh to Nanite mesh, it still retains the poly count of original static mesh.

  • How Nanites Work?

Nanites works by breaking your mesh geometry into micro polygons which are streamed to the GPU in real time. As the camera moves away from the mesh, based on how far the mesh is from the camera the geometry of the mesh is changed from high poly count to low poly count. Nanites also use a new form of Texture streaming called “Virtualized texture” which allows high resolution textures to be loaded on demand without taking valuable GPU memory. Nanites also use new form of culling called “View-frustum culling” which Divides mesh into cluster of polygons and then culls cluster if they are not visible on screen

  • How to Use Nanites?

Using nanites is relatively easy. To use nanites, right click on mesh that you want to enable nanites on??

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Alternative method to convert your mesh to nanite mesh is open your mesh and in details check the checkbox “Enable Nanites”??

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If you want to enable nanites while importing the mesh find “Build” in import panel and check checkbox “Build nanites”.

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  • Where to use nanites?

Try to use nanites wherever you can since nanites are most efficient way to achieve performance without losing details in meshes, you can achieve max performance by applying nanites on meshes that are fixed in one position like landscape, houses prop etc.??

  • Nanites Limitations

  1. Nanite performance decreases as we go high in resolution, since it has to draw more polygon.
  2. Nanites can not be used on deforming objects and skeletal meshes.
  3. Nanites perform poorly with fine geometry like grass and hair, with two faced geometry and translucent objects.
  4. Nanites does not perform well with overdraws (i.e., if multiple meshes are stacked on top of each other)

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