Names Signify Purpose
Prophet Adrian Ddungu wwwsupernaturalkingdomministriesorg
Sometimes God changed the names of His people to reflect promises He made and purposes He had for them, which far exceeded their expectations or their parents’ expectations. In Genesis 17:4–5, Abram’s name, which meant “exalted father” or “high father,” was changed to Abraham, meaning “father of a multitude,” reflecting the promise that “Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him” (Genesis 18:18). In Genesis 32:27–28, Jacob’s name, which meant “supplanter,” was changed to Israel, meaning “he will rule as God” or “a prince of God.” This reflected the fact that the nation of Israel —the nation intended as God’s earthly representative, “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Exodus 19:6)—would come from his line. In John 1:42, Jesus changed Simon’s name, which is derived from a Hebrew word meaning “hearing,” to Cephas, meaning “a rock” or “a stone.” In English, this name is “Peter.” Peter’s new name signified his role in establishing and leading the church in its infancy. (See Matthew 16:18.) God puts emphasis on people’s names because He places great significance on His own name, and mankind is made in His image. Using our definition from yesterday, God’s name symbolizes the essence of His nature. It represents His collective attributes—His nature, power, and glory. What God says is consistent with what He does; He has complete integrity, or wholeness—the definition of holiness. The main reason we are commanded not to use the name of God in vain (see Exodus 20:7) is that His name does not just represent who He is, but it is who He is.
Prayer: Father God, I desire to honor Your name in my every word, action, and prayer. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Thought: God’s purposes for us far exceed our own expectations.
Reading: Nehemiah 10–11; Acts 4:1–22