Name discrimination can make finding a job harder, but is changing the name on your resume the answer?

Name discrimination can make finding a job harder, but is changing the name on your resume the answer?

Should you ever consider changing your name to boost your chances of getting a job?

Whether your resume lists Ruby or Rudabah, Michael or Mohamed shouldn't matter, so long as your skills are ace and a match for the job. Right?

While it sounds good in theory, plenty of research has shown CVs featuring female names are less likely to lead to an interview or a job, and the same goes for non-Anglo names too.

A study in 2015 found applicants with Chinese, Middle Eastern and Indigenous sounding names were far less likely to get called for an interview.

It's an annoying — and infuriating — reason to miss out on a job.

And when you're a young jobseeker, your lack of experience already has you at a disadvantage.

So should you ever consider changing your non-Anglo name to get ahead?

"It's a highly personalised choice," says Michelle Stratemeyer, a diversity and inclusion academic at the University of Melbourne.

"It might improve a person's job prospects, but at what cost? Given how central names are to our identity, there's a broader question around the potential outcomes of such a change, beyond just changing job application outcomes."

With that in mind, we spoke to two young people for insights on how they made their opposing decisions.

Mohamed, 26, corporate lawyer

During university, Mohamed rarely got call-backs when applying for casual jobs. He'd have to show up in person and introduce himself before anyone would consider him.

That pattern continued when it came to applying for professional work. During law school, he sent 20-25 CVs to various firms, but heard nothing back.

Mohamed says his problem was twofold — his name, plus his lack of permanent residency at the time (he's originally from Egypt).

"I definitely considered changing my name," he says.

"But I never did it. I guess I'm too proud.

"If a place isn't going to hire me because of my name then I don't want to necessarily work there."

He says networking is what helped him eventually land a job.

He attended events through his university and professional groups like the Law Institute of Victoria.

"I also found it very useful to 'cold-call' by sending emails or LinkedIn messages to HR at various firms," he says. "Most times, they were more than happy to have a chat.

"Cold-calling coupled with attendance at the events meant that HR were much more likely to recognise you … I think they appreciate the effort — as long, of course, as it is reasonable and isn't over-doing it."

After his round of networking, Mohamed focused his efforts and applied for six jobs. They resulted in a total of four job offers.

But he says there were also other factors that helped. "I've been to private school and I'm relatively 'white-passing' as well — I have fair skin despite being from Egypt."

He acknowledges those factors afford him privileges other jobseekers don't have.

Rudabah, 28, human resources professional

Experience shows making one small change to your resume when you have a non-Anglo name can alter your prospects in the job market.

Rudabah* had a different experience when applying for work.

After leaving her first job at a consulting firm in her early 20s, she made the conscious decision to keep her "long and complicated" full name on her CV.

"But I just wasn't getting any calls from [recruitment] agencies," she says.

Eventually she relented and changed her CV to show her nickname, Ruby.

"And I kid you not, [I got so] many more calls."

Rudabah says the experience really bothered her and has impacted how she approaches recruitment as an HR professional herself now.

She's conflicted about whether she'd recommend others change their names too.

"Don't play into [the pressure]" she advises. "But, when you're desperate, sometimes you just have to do it to get your foot in the door."

"If your dad and the partner go to the same yacht club, you're in. Or you play golf. I can't understate how real that is. If you don't live in the same postcode or frequent the same social venues … you don't have much in common to even discuss.

"And your early career, who's going to mentor you and sponsor your development really starts with those social interactions."

Rudabah now works in the public sector which she says is a much more inclusive and supportive employer.

While she still goes by the nickname Ruby, her work email features her full name, in all its "long and complicated" glory.

*Name changed for privacy.

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This article originally published by the ABC and shared by Mark Daniel an international resume writer and career coach, sharing articles, advice and information that he thinks will be of interest. He also tries to give advice to his wife but usually fails, so hopefully the above is more useful to you than it is to her.

Mark can be contacted via or by email [email protected] and if you want a free detailed personal video review of your resume the flick it over or follow this link


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