
Value of Namaste,

Namaste is a respectful Indian mode of address or salutation performed by joining the palms, inclining the head, and saying “namaskar” That feeling was created by that single word and his authentic gesture.

Namaste gesture transformed not only my day, but also my belief in the power we all have to influence one another with our words, actions and presence.

Beyond cultural bounds exists the universality of people greeting one another. Of course you can shake hands, hug, bow or extend a salutation in other ways. But a good Namaste goes a long way.

As a word and gesture, Namaste has a wide range of uses that can extend along the spectrum of meaning: Namaste or namaskar is used as a respectful form of greeting, acknowledging and welcoming a relative, guest or stranger. It is used with goodbyes as well. Namaste can be used to for both the recipient of a kind deed or favor, as well as by the one extending the giving. The use of Namaste is growing: it is widely used throughout India, Nepal, parts of Asia and beyond. It is often used in yoga studios and spiritual communities throughout the western world.

However, the word itself is incomplete without a connection to the person you are saluting. Eye contact and stopping to acknowledge and bow are equally important.

It's easy to mock traditions but it take generations to build one..

One of a Best way of Greetings which is a respect in align with Traditional Culture. Everyone learned the importance on The subject.

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