Naked Mole Rat~Anti-Cancer~Goldenrod~Bee Gomogenat~Anti-Diabetic~Corm~Linalool~ Potassium Chloride~Potash~Entanglement
Anne Stanford
Corporate Assistant /CEO and CFO at Braintree Corporation Bioscience, Biomedical, Translational Research
As, For Mammal Naked Mole Rat, As, To “Never Develop Cancer”, As, To “Eat Parts Of Plants”, As, “Tubers”, As, For “Taro Corms”, As, “Space Forming Bioactive Molecules”, As, “Human’s Anti-Cancer Motions”, As, For “Corm Bulbo-Tuber Plant Storage Organ”, As, Of “Carbohydrates”, As, For “Bears”, As, To Not “Develop Diabetes”, As, For “Bear’s Seasonal Insulin Resistance”, As, For “Winter”, As, For “Bear’s Ability”, As, To “Burn Fat”, As, For Grizzly Bear’s Eight Space Form Amino Acid Proteins, As, To “Regulate Their Insulin Levels”, As, For “Proteins And Gene Expression Changes”, As, For Grizzly Bear’s Protein, As, To “Regulate Cell Growth And Cell Division Was Reduced, As, In “Obese Bears”, As, For Grizzly Bears, As, To Eat “Roots”, Berries, Fruits, Grasses, As, To Eat “Forbs”, As, “Herbaceous Flowering Plants”, As, “Goldenrod”, Lupine And Violets, As, For “Goldenrod’s Space Form Saponins Human’s Medicinal Healing”, As, Anti-Inflammatory, As, “Human’s Anti-Cancer”, As, For Goldenrod’s Space Forming Antioxidants, As, “Quercetin”, As, “Kaempferol”, As, To “Protect Cells”, As, From “Free Radicals”, As, “Unstable Molecules”, As, For “Bee’s Goldenrod Honey”, As, Amber Color, Slightly “Space Forming Spicy”, As, To Taste Like “Butterscotch”, As, For Bee’s Goldenrod Nectar, As, “Human’s Anti-Inflammatory”, As, “Human’s Diuretic”, As, For “Raw Goldenrod Plant’s Honey”, As, For “Human’s Pollen Allergies”, As, To Diminish Human’s Sensitivities, As, To “Pollen”, As, For Bears, As, Eat “Bee Larva”, As, For Bee Larva Protein, As, For “High Protein Content”, As, Rich In Space Forming Vitamins And Minerals, As, For “Bee Gomogenat”, As, A “Nutrient”, As, In “Trutnevy Larvae”, As, For “Human’s Diabetic Wound Healing”, As, For Gomogenat Trutnevy Larvae, As, Mostly Water, As, 13% Protein, As, “21 Free Amino Acids”, As, For “Free Amino Acids” And “Human’s Antidiabetic Effects”, As, For “Forb Plant Knapweed”, As, For “Human’s Wound Healing”, As, For “Human’s Sore Throat Gargles”, As, For “Knapweed’s Rosettes”, As, For “Tumor Rosette Structural”, As, For Rose Rosette Dis-ease, As, Deforming, As, Of Leaves, Stem And “Flowers”, As, For “Cancer Cell’s Large Elastic “Deformations”, As, “Metastatic”, As, For “Rose Plant Extract”, As, To “Strongly Inhibit Growth”, As, To Cause Apoptotic Cell Death, As, In “Human’s Lung Cancer Cells”, As, For “Rose Petal’s Space Form Polyphenols”, As, “Antioxidants”, As, To “Protect Against Human’s Body’s Cell Damage”, As, For “Rose Space Forming Oil”, As, For “Space Form Monoterpene Alcohol”, As, For Space Forming Linalool, As, For “Rose Oil”, As, From “Petals Of Rosa Species”, As, For “Linalool Anti-Cancer”, As, For Linalool Monoterpene Alcohol Space Forming, As, “Produced By Many Flowers”, As, For “Space Forming Floral Scents”, As, For Linalool Floral Scent, As, Emitted, As, By “Bee And Moth Pollinated Plants”, As, For “Bee’s Antennae’s Olfactory Receptors”, As, For “Bees”, As, To Distinguish “Types Of Flower’s Scents”, As, For “Electric Charge”, As, On “Bees”, As, To “Trigger Flowers”, As, To “Emit A Fragrance”, As, For “Space Form Linalool Aromatics”, As, Intense Floral Lavender Sweet Space Forming, As, Linalool Space Forming “Terpene”, As, For “Rhizomes”, As, Of “Iris Plant”, As, “Orris Butter”, As, “Rarest Fragrance”, As, For “Iris Species”, As, For “Human’s Cancer Treatment”, As, For “Human’s Viral Infections”, As, For “Essentials For Iris Plants”, As, “Nitrogen”, Star Forming Phosphorus, As, For “Potash”, As, For Star Forming Potassium, As, For “Space Forming Potassium Oxide”, As, “Potash”, As, “Ashes Of Burnt Wood, As, In An “Iron Pot”, As, For “Meteorite’s Iron”, As, For Star Forming Potassium Chloride, As, For “Nutrient Of Plants”, As, For “Human’s Low Potassium Levels”, As, “To Make Less Insulin”, As, For “Human’s Higher Blood Sugar Levels”, As, For Human’s Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, As, For “Plant’s High Star Forming Potassium”, As, In Spinach, Tomatoes, Legumes, Bananas, Apples And Avocados, As, For Human’s Higher Brain Potential, As, For Human’s Eyes, As, To Absorb Photons, As, For “Entanglement”, As, In “Nature”, As, When “Particles”, As, When Photons, As, To “Interact”, As, For Plants, As, To Use Quantum Entanglement, As, In “Photosynthesis”, As, For “Cores Of Stars”, As, For “Zinc”, As, For “Reactions Of Thermonuclear”, As, To “Create Heavy Metals”, As, For Carbon, Iron, As, For “Zinc”, As, For Zinc, As, In “Shiitake Mushrooms”, Spinach, Broccoli And Garlic, As, For Zinc, As, To Significantly Inhibit Proliferation, As, Of “Human’s Esophageal Cancer Cells, As, For “Iron Meteorites”, As, “Low In Zinc”, As, For “Moose”, As, Having Thick Skin With Fur, As, To Contain “Iron”, Niacin, Riboflavin, Selenium And “Zinc”, As, For Zinc, As, To “Improve Glycaemic Control, As, For “Human’s Diabetes Mellitus, As, For Star Forming Sulfur And Zinc, As, Abundant, As, In “Red Giant Stars”. Thank-you.