Read it as you choose, think whatever you think, write all over it, and above all, please do something as a result of what you read.
I promise to share with you the most powerful, exact ways to achieve what you want to achieve.
And in return…
….you promise to take action
And that action may be what I suggest, or, if you disagree with something I suggest, you will do something else - you will do something.
Whether it is something I suggested, or the complete opposite, that’s fine.? I do not mind if you believe in me, I want to know if you believe in you.
Okay - You probably read that last bit, you took it in, now please re-read it.
I promise to share with you the most powerful, exact ways to achieve what you want to achieve.
And in return….
….you promise to take action
And that action may be what I suggest, or, if you disagree with something I suggest, you will do something else - you will do something.
Whether it is something I suggested, or the complete opposite, that’s fine.? I do not mind if you believe in me, I want to know if you believe in you.
Imagine if everything you have ever done, all that you have ever known, and each thought you have ever had, comes down to this very moment. As you read this. How powerful would that be? Not tomorrow, not next week, not next year. Right now.
If everything you have ever been, every choice you have ever made, and each action you have ever taken, came together in this very moment. As you read this, wherever you are in the world. Right now.
And that is not meant to be thought-provoking, it is written to be action-provoking.
Please, wherever you are, whenever you are reading this, and whoever you are, stop reading right now, and look at the time. Remember it or, ideally, write it down here - the exact time, day, month, and year.
The Time is now:
The Day is:
The Month is:
The Year is:
Now, think about that moment. There will never be another exact time like that in your lifetime, or in the history of the world. And all you have to decide is whether you take control of that moment in time, or let it have control over you.
Living in the moment is our first big challenge: our second is making a true decision in that moment (a decision that you will actually keep to, and make happen). With this, we can sometimes feel that the moment has to be very important - as if some moments in time are more significant than others.
Not a life-changing decision. Those are very frequent and happen each and every day - made by default, by other people on our behalf, made by our skin cells, our bone cells, and other parts of our body just to keep us alive.
A life-choosing decision. How long are you going to wait? What is it about our possible futures that stop you doing what you most want to do, now?
Make a true decision - decide what you want to achieve, or who you want to be, and close off ALL other possibilities. It only takes a heartbeat.
Right now, imagine your biggest dream, your greatest hope, your wildest ambition - and make it huge. Close your eyes as you picture it, hear it, and feel it, as if it was happening right now. Now open your eyes, has anything changed? Yes, you feel differently, you have a new energy, and a stronger belief that you will achieve it. Yes, Dream, Discover and Decide. First though, you must do something.
That is the difference between thinking about the adventure of your life and actually being on that adventure.
Your truth, integrity, and authenticity come from deep within, and your success will come from removing those false, limiting beliefs those ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’, that separates you from the essence of who you truly are, and always have been. When you accept that, you start to move towards your major premise - your underlying belief system. It's about believing whatever you believe, is sometimes enough to bring you an inner peace and joy that reconnects you with your inner power. When you apply it knowingly, your success will be inevitable. It is powerful and the results are amazing.
I now offer you a different perspective:
You are;
You are here, and now;
Wherever you have come from;
Whoever you have met;
Whatever you have done.
And in that, is a miracle so powerful and a truth so deep, that whatever you are thinking right now, as you simply realize that you are; perhaps you are filled with joy, energy, and hope. Think about what made you: the timing, synchronicity (coincidence?), and delicate biological tuning - the whole process of making you - is perhaps the finest example of sub-conscious self-coaching ever. An ovum needed to be regularly released each month from your partner’s ovary, a process that could only proceed if a complicated cascade of hormonal events took place without interference. This egg then needed to be able to move freely along an unblocked fallopian tube, where it could be fertilized by a sperm and then reach the womb.? The sperm had to be healthy, mobile, and numerous, although only one ultimately penetrated the egg, and formed an embryo with it. Think about that 'Leading Sperm' full of a desire for life - do you think it ever thought to itself: “I don’t feel like doing this today” or ?“I think I’ll give up now!”
Positive thinking is itself hugely liberating, and making such a decision takes you much, much closer to your new reality.
And this miracle continues… The Naked Coach is all about you, all of you.
Do it! The First Action - The How - Action and Persistence.
I promise to share with you the most powerful, exact ways to achieve what you want to achieve.
And in return….
….you promise to take action
And that action may be what I suggest, or, if you disagree with something I suggest, you will do something else - you will do something.
Whether it is something I suggested, or the complete opposite, that’s fine.? I do not mind if you believe in me, I want to know if you believe in you.
Okay - You probably read that last bit, you took it in, now please re-read it.
1.?? The Call
Remember the moment as if it was yesterday. Be amazed by the timing of the call, be absolutely stunned by what was said.
2.?? The Letter
A strange mix of fear and joy. Heading in the same direction towards a future they knew not what.
3.?? The Moment
The silence was broken by whispers and then growing chatter.
4.?? First Mistake
A bold move. A brave move. A bad move in hindsight: the Internal Survey.
5.?? Find the Holy Grail
Told them that any skills and behaviours that they had would be utilized - provided, and only provided that they were transferred.
Now from the 'Internal Survey', it was known that it did not talk about love, hate, or other emotions that we, as human beings, experience all the time. No, the survey asked questions like: “Is the service provided by IT satisfactory?” and “Does it meet your expectations?” Do me a favour….
6.?? The ‘C’ word And this was a super one, a corker. Wait for it…one thing needed to be improved…..cue big font….massive…..and capitals….and bold ‘COMMUNICATION’
Now, please, go coach, go help others, go be you… You will be guiding people to places that they didn’t know existed… They will be excited, scared, motivated, challenged, curious and anxious. All at once. You will make mistakes, you will learn, you will grow. I know you will serve them well. Please, please go make it happen. And whenever you want to - as long as it is now. Thank you.
[Extract taken from: ‘The Naked Coach, Business Coaching made simple’, by David Taylor (2007), published by Capstone Company, (a Wiley Company)]