For many years through much pain and anguish especially during my many years of incarceration. When looking at the situation regarding black peoples miserable plight across the world. And how it was that these wonderful people of this earth the indigenous people of this land. Had been able, to be taken away from their land, and abused used and denigrated into an inner self loathing and hatefulness of themselves. How had it come to this. And sometimes at my lowest, when in the prison segregation unit alone in the deep belly of the beast. I was always perplexed at how black peoples plight had come about and the status quo still remaining. How was it that these black people, not that they allowed themselves to be captured. But non-the -less were captured. When i read great works by prominent black authors. Such as Franz Fanon, Ivan Van Sertima and a host of others. It was still difficult for me to fully understand the idea of being enslaved. Surely one would rather die.
Even with the concept of "divide and rule" by the western powers. Whereby they took one nations land and gave it to another, put one nation against another nation. Acting as agent provocateurs, giving one side guns and not the other. Even with this understanding, I still had a hard time coming to terms with black peoples position across the globe.
But just recently when i look across to Africa. I see stupid ignorant African people still going against their BROTHERS cry and rally for FREEDOM against OPPRESSION and NEO-COLONIALISM. I can really see how outsiders came in and took the land and people. The west LAUGHING While these SAVAGES fight amongst themselves. Traitors who have aligned themselves with the west sold their souls to the highest bidder. And stupid naive ignorant African population walk about with nothing no prospects no food hungry. And their land and country being ravished and raped of all its wealth. Most African leaders are corrupt . And you the African people are IGNORANT and STUPID. While the rest of the world see you as fools and have no respect for you, as you have no respect for yourselves. Because if you did You would understand that the west your former slave masters want you to be as you are. IGNORANT. Do you all not understand AFRICA has to UNITE to be FREE.
Or else not only are you in danger of remaining impoverished ruled by neo-colonialism but you are also in danger of becoming slaves AGAIN.
The people of Africa, allowing sanctions and other threatening moves against your brothers and sisters by corrupt leaders and yet you do nothing. These old corrupt decrepit old African leaders who steal billions of your pounds. Yet you still allow them to do this. They call sanctions on NIGER, and starve your fellow African brothers and sisters, and children, and you allow this, and call yourselves human beings. The evil ways of your former slave masters and neo colonialists , should not be your ways to deal with other human beings.
African people it should not be our way to STARVE OTHER HUMAN BEINGS this is EVIL the work of the DEVIL. If the west want to do theses EVIL deeds amongst themselves then let them. Your evil corrupt leaders having been corrupted by the west now want you to become corrupted by evil like themselves. Why are you following in your slave masters evil footprints. Instead you should all rise up as one Africa, and tell foreign invaders who have bled your country dry to leave. But the problem is like France who said they are not leaving, Or taking their troops out, maybe some they say. Shows you that you are still slaves to your masters and that it seems you will always be. Unless you come to your senses. You would rather fight and starve to death WOMEN, CHILDREN, and BABIES.your own PEOPLE, and be the plantation overseer, for your slave and neo-colonial masters. Your so called leaders going cap in hand begging for money that is rightfully yours anyway and paying billions in interest. I can see how Europe made Africans slaves. AFRICANS if you want to know what a slave looks like. Go and take a look in the mirror. If you are in anyway upset by this, join the club so am i.
I am an African. Regardless of where my parents come from or were i was born. You can look at my black skin and know where i came from. I am an AFRICAN. And what i say about Africa and Africans. I include myself. Non of us are exempt from criticism.
IBRAHAM TARRORE We in the DIASPORA we salute you. Not even taking your full wages. Unlike those corrupt old leaders WHO STEAL BILLIONS and must have to go.. Please keep our home land Africa safe. Just like the rest of the world many who live outside their country. One day they will wander back home. IBRAHAM TARRORE we too one day will wish to come HOME.
1 周Send Kemi to sort them out
Freelance - Online Special Educational Needs Specialist - GCSE Exam Preparation Tutor for Literacy, Language & Literature.
3 个月This article sums up my experience living in Africa. Africa keeps Africa down. I have never met more racist and ignorant people. Here was me thinking i could revolutionise our peoples. I decided not to because the treatment from them is so ignorant. It would take the hand of god to switch the people on. Ruthless people. Money is their only belief system.
Professional DJ / Video DJ
6 个月I thought I was the only person who felt this. I’m also an African born and raised. I see the evil in my own people too. It’s almost as if we celebrate others’ losses. We also like to rub in what little success we have to those less fortunate. There is no sense of community. Even people experiencing medical emergencies are stepped over by fellow black Africans whilst they make superstitious jokes and accusations against the victim. The ignorance seems to grow faster in this modern world. One wonders if there’s any hope for black Africans. They discriminate against anything different from their own knowledge so fast that nothing new is ever learned. Future generations learn to be more rigid and less empathetic towards fellow humans. I believe everything you have pointed out historically about us selling ourselves. We continue to do so and for what? Scraps? How stupid can a collective be? I’m embarrassed to call myself African. And if this was the goal of other races then I would have to agree that they nailed it.?
Counsellor, Trainer & Educator | Wellbeing & Education Specialist | NOW ON AMAZON: "Emotion Aware"
10 个月Complex topic! Many have dreamed about a United Africa like John Henrik Clarke. Thanks for the food for thought ??