Nail Your Retail Buyer Pitch: Tips for Sell-In Success
Jenica Oliver, CMO - Blueprint Marketing Group

Nail Your Retail Buyer Pitch: Tips for Sell-In Success

Great news, the buyer for your category has granted you a meeting.? This is your opportunity to turn your retail dreams into reality.? A well-planned meeting is key, right down to the details in your presentation.?

If you have a product that you believe can make it big in the retail market, you need to know how to pitch it to the right people. Retail buyers are the gatekeepers who decide which products get on the shelves and which ones don't. They are constantly looking for new and innovative products that can attract customers and generate sales. But they are also very busy and have limited time to listen to pitches from potential suppliers. So how can you make your pitch stand out and convince them to give your product a chance?

When presenting to a retail buyer, the focus of the pitch should be on the product. Your job during the meeting is to emphasize the product's fit within the category buyer's current product lineup and the value your product will bring vs the competition.? To do this, show how it meets the retailer's customers' needs – particularly if the shopper’s needs are currently unmet -- ?and how it will drive incremental sales and profits for the retailer.? Be sure you do your research.? You’d be surprised at what buyers are looking for, including knowledge of what’s important to them.? But, don’t be afraid to ask questions.? It’s best to ask vs assume, and never try to wing it.? Remember, they know their category and their shoppers far better than you ever will!? Don’t let this trip you up.?

While the focus of the pitch should be on what your brand can do for the buyer’s category, demonstrating your knowledge of the category landscape and current competitive set is key.? Your sales presentation should include details such as:

  • Target audience fit vs their current shopper profile
  • Recommended short-list of items you’re asking them to take on
  • Retail pricing strategy and where it fits within their current set
  • Margin you’ve built into the proposed pricing model
  • Planned marketing support, in-store and out-of-store
  • Logistics around how you plan to get the product to the retailer's stores or distribution centers
  • Finally, share product samples with the buyer so they can experience the product firsthand and give you immediate feedback

It’s critical to manage the time during the meeting to allow for questions – yours and theirs, product samples, and a discussion about next steps.? By the end of the meeting, you want to convince the retail buyer that your product will sell well in their stores and contribute to their category goals.? Nailing your pitch to a retail buyer can move you one step closer to your retail goals.


