Placerville, California was known as “Hangtown” during the 1850’s California Gold Rush and a namesake, “Hangtown Fry” is one of the most famous omelets in the world.
The creation of the “Hangtown Fry” is said to have begun at the county jail in Placerville where a condemned man was asked what he would like to eat for his last meal. He ordered an oyster and bacon omelet, knowing that the oysters would have to be brought from the water, over a hundred miles away by steamship and then packed in ice over rough roads from San Francisco while the bacon would have to be shipped by train from the east coast, delaying his hanging for a week or two.
Today, several restaurants still offer the “Hangtown Fry” including the 160 year old “Tadich Grill” which is credited with popularizing the dish and is located in San Francisco’s financial district.
Sally loved to teach geography with a historical flavor like the famous Gold Rush omelet history. She also loved to teach Bible geography but on this day she was listening to an eulogy as she sat a row behind the family in the funeral home where the air was filled with the scent of furniture polish and grief. Donna gave her a teary eyed hug. Donna’s husband and “my sweet Sam” as Sally called him, had been stolen from them, taken away where busy highways unexpectedly intersect eternity. Sally sat back in the hardwood pew watching others deal with their mutual loss while she let the memories of her longest and best friend wash over her.
Sally was the awkward neighbor girl and Sam was the new boy next door. They were peanut butter and jelly from day one. Almost daily, they played and rode their bikes in their quiet neighborhood. They lived in each others’ houses, graduated from high school together, went their separate ways for a while, but returned. His shoulder was Sally’s to cry on, and she returned the favor.
Sally laughed when he said he'd given his heart to the Lord. "C'mon Sam," Sally said, "Why'd you go and do that? We were having so much fun!" But he was sincere and Sally serves God today because of Sam, which makes his funeral all the more painful.
Donna's tears flowed as did Sally’s. Sally was always a welcome guest, but Donna was a little jealous of their friendship.
Sally wondered if Sam ever told Donna about “Nikki Nail.” Sally hoped she was the only one who knew. Sally met “Nikki Nail” at the cafe by the courthouse. "Hey, what's your take on this?" Sam asked, sliding a couple of sheets of paper in front of Sally. She asked; "What is it?" Sam responded; "Just read it. I'll be right back."
He left for the rest room while Sally held something entitled, “After Hours” by “Nikki the Nail.” The short story about a office romance began humorously, but descended down a sensual staircase of R-rated desires and beyond. Sally adjusted her chair hoping no one could read over her shoulder. Sam returned just as she finished the last sentence. He searched her face for a response.
"What'd you think?" he asked. After clearing her throat, Sally said, "It's been a while since I’ve read porn, Sam. What are you doing with this?" He laughed with a reddening face. "It's not porn, Sal. It's just a story. Just words."
"Reads like porn to me and you didn't answer my question. What are you doing with it? Who's “Nikki the Nail?” Sally pressed.
Sam sipped his coffee and looked up to Sally with those mischievous eyes. "I'm Nikki the Nail." Sally’s mouth fell open with a retort; "Please, don't tell me you have a dress hidden away in your closet!"
"No, silly. I wrote it under the pen name of “Nikki the Nail” and posted it online. Got a thousand views in less than twenty-four hours."
He went on about how easily these twisted, steamy scenes came to him, while Sally sat perplexed then asked, "How does a Christian man write this stuff and think it's okay, Sam? Aren't we supposed to be children of light?" Sam responded with irritation; "You don't understand.”
Sally made a futile attempt to be his conscience, but her sermon fell on deaf ears.
Sally had left their weekly coffee cafe time over the years with many emotions; happy, content, angry, and even jealous. That day she left concerned. Her friend was hooked by something, some hidden need, and that something had him by the heart. Sally saw less of him after that.
Another one of Sam's friends stood and addressed the grieving congregation. He said something that sent Sally back down memory lane. A high school New Year's Eve party long before their marriages. Sam and Sally talked out on a private patio that night. When midnight came, he held Sally close and gave her a long, slow kiss that she felt all the way down to her toes. That kiss still makes her tingle but they were destined for friendship only.
About a month after Sam’s funeral, Sally surfed around online to see if “Nikki the Nail” was still around. “The Nail” had been busy. Fourteen stories to her credit on some erotica website. Sally read one called “Love Me.” She knew Sam was a creative writer, but this was haunting. Sally was completely stupefied by “Nikki Nail’s” salacious prose. When the main character said "Love Me," it was both a plea and a sexual command, with twenty-five thousand readers wildly wanting more.
Sally was in a fog after reading that story, just going through the motions of being a teacher, wife and mother. She thought of “my sweet Sam” and how he could have used his gift to uplift rather than to fuel the dangerous burning embers of lust. But it doesn't matter now. Sally tried to focus on better days when he lived his faith.
Two mornings later, Sally went to print out a recipe after her moody sixteen-year-old daughter, Callie, was done printing something. Sally picked up a page Callie dropped and froze when she read the first lines.……………“Shared Secrets” by “Nikki the Nail”
The brutal fact is, like Sam, any of us at any time are subject to rejoin the sinner’s A-List. Whether it’s porn, playing footsies with the neighbor’s spouse, falling off the wagon or getting the munchies after smoking some Okie Hicky Sticky, any of us can go on a sin spree. We inherited a rebellious and sin craved DNA from Adam and Eve. It is in our genes to sin. Literally. The Apostle Paul says it best; “For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want to do.” (Romans 7:19) Gosh, this sounds familiar doesn’t it?
The biggest troublemaker and sinner we have to deal with daily, greets us from the mirror every morning. This is why it is imperative we pray daily because it’s a dead lock cinch el diablo has a litany of land mines and quicksand traps waiting for us. God foresaw this so He left us so many teachings with alerts and warnings.
That’s right, Good’s Good Book has almost one hundred warnings for us to; be alert, on guard, stay watchful, be sober minded, pay attention and dozens of others to avoid the ‘ol devil. (1 Peter 5:8, Mark 14:38, et al) Most of us fail to realize the harsh reality is many normal Christians walk away from their faith for periods of time, for whatever reason. Divorce, death, job loss, sickness along with challenges and temptation spin us around and bring us to our knees and we forget our default setting is sin thanks to Adam and Eve. But Hallelujah, God’s default setting is love, mercy, grace and unlimited forgiveness.
Heavenly Father, thank You for loving and forgiving us, even when our actions are more sinner than saint. Give us wisdom to sidestep the antics and wiles of the enemy. Both faith and fear require we believe in something we cannot see. Help us decide daily it will be faith. Lord, the song, “Oh, Malley-Mae” is based on the old Irish saying of; “may we get into heaven before the devil knows we are dead” so Lord, we need Your help to deliver us safely to the Pearly Gates!
City Manager (retired) and Executive Consultant
4 年https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j40yXW7tOCE&list=RDniHg0oC8qy0&index=3