NahamCon CTF 2024 - Thomas DEVerson
More CTFs, more opportunities to create write-ups that will hopefully connect me with a job!
Here's the challenge:
How's the page look?
If we plop in a random username and hit Go, we get redirected to the Messages page with a glorified unauthorized message not worth screenshotting. We also get a cookie! ??
Since the first part looks base-64-ey, I tried decoding it:
This will clearly be a part of the solution. I tried messing with the cookie contents by changing the name to Thomas, Jefferson, SQL-i-ey stuff and got nothing. Messing with the other parts of the cookie also did nothing. Adding more to the JSON payload like isFederalist=false also didn't work. Realistically, the other parts of the cookie are probably related to signing, so no messing around with the cookie like this will help.
Incidentally, no robots.txt either.
I tried the Status page, as well.
So still nothing else to go on. Here's the source of the main page:
Oh thank god something else to end the 30mins of getting nowhere fast. Navigating to the /backup page, we get a useful blob of text:
---------- command output: {head -n 10} ----------
from flask import (Flask, flash, redirect, render_template, request, send_from_directory, session, url_for)
from datetime import datetime
app = Flask(__name__)
c =
f = c.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")
app.secret_key = f'THE_REYNOLDS_PAMPHLET-{f}'
allowed_users = ['Jefferson', 'Madison', 'Burr'] # No Federalists Allowed!!!!
---------- command output: {head -n 10 requirements.txt} ----------
So the first thing of note is that only one of three names works. Let's try Burr.
Clearly, we need to forge a cookie. Both the presence of a secret_key and Flask's documentation confirm that the cookie is signed (by this key). Luckily, we're given the (dynamic) key!
I tried googling around for a way to compute a Flask session cookie without having to create a simple Flask app, and, while I didn't exactly find such a tool, I found flask-unsign. This is usually used to try to brute-force a key for a given cookie, but it has some handy code that we can call to create the cookie.
Again, the key is basically...
The key is specific to a minute of time. If we literally try this expression it doesn't work. If we try utcnow instead, it also doesn't work -- worth trying because the Date header is relative to GMT. Really the only thing left is to try computing the date from the uptime given in the Status page. If we use this kind of code to produce a cookie...
#jumping ahead, now() doesn't work, but utcnow() does
sign({"name":"Burr"}, f'THE_REYNOLDS_PAMPHLET-{(datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=82816, hours=16, minutes=51)).strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")}')
# 'eyJuYW1lIjoiQnVyciJ9.Zk_0mg.WlX1PYbdc8xh-svaFZj7aKa-wFs'
We get the flag!
<div class="col-xl-6 ml-auto jumbo-vertical-center">
<h1>Welcome fellow Democratic Republican!</h1>
<p>Don't tell Hamilton, but we totally know what he did.</p>
Yay democracy!