Nag, Nag, Nag

Nag, Nag, Nag

I am like probably 90% of the guys out there, when something nags at me long enough, I will eventually take some sort of action to deal with said nagging.

100% of the men and women out there reading that, will take it to mean that if my wife nags at me long enough, I'll consider the options. While that may or may not be true in this particular case, it simply is NOT what I wish to talk about today, or any other day for that matter, since health is relevant here.

When it comes to Dr. visits, dentists, etc, we tend to put things off. Oh, we PLAN to get around to it, one of these days when we're not busy, or one of these days when your arm falls off or your foot won't go into the shoe anymore. Usually, when something like that happens, all of a sudden it becomes a priority.

Yep, count me in that group.

I had wisdom teeth removed very late in life. I remember Doubting Thomas even telling me that he thought I should get those things fixed, and once, Alexander the Great suggested it, but I put an end to all that noise and pushed through the pain. I'm pretty sure that had Jesus not been busy turning water into wine that he would have forced the issue, but things are what they are.

In other words, I'm OLD. The fact that I had a pet Dinosaur when I was a kid notwithstanding, dirt and I have had more than a casual relationship. It's the truth.

Since I let these teeth go, and since they were laying on their sides, they created some interesting effects for my later years. Pushing, crowding, bit issues, just all kinds of fun. Truth is, had I only listed to Michelangelo, none of this would have happened.

None the less, there I was brushing my teeth the other day when out pops this "thing" and lands in the sink with a big kerplunk. (look that up, I'm not sure it's a real word).

It was a tooth...or part of one anyway.

Now this had never happened to me, so I was in a quandary as to what to do. I'd canceled six or seven dentist appointments since I'd been have a bit of pain, but like the rest of you, it was minor and went away with a half a bottle of aspirin, so why take the time.

Clearly, when you're actually HOLDING part of your tooth in your hand, which is NOT where it's supposed to be, it's probably time to go see a dentist.

So I did. And that is really the story here, for those of you who live in my area.

I found Cleveland Dental Institute in Ashtabula Ohio and my goodness, it is one heck of a place.

When you first walk in you're greeted by a bright facility with really comfy leather chairs, big screen TV's, professional people who are so nice they HAD to be trained I swear. They're simply over the top great folks, every one of them.

Now, if they had a few slot machines and free drinks, I could have stayed there all day, maybe even all night...who knows.

In any event, I get called into the "back" and it is just something out of a movie. I don't know how many Dentists they have, but it has to be 50 or something, and 100 hygienists. All VERY professional and all BUSY. There are work stations's like a dental factory and everything is brand new.

Top technology. Non invasive X-rays right in the chair downloaded digitally to the screen next to you. Just amazing.

I had a cracked tooth (#31) on the lower right side and it needed to literally be dug out I was told by another dentist.

Enter my Doctor. A bright engaging young man who obviously KNOWS his craft. 10 Minutes in the chair and I was done, being instructed on how to treat the wound in my mouth, and headed out the door by another professional who told me to call if I had any issues at all.

ZERO pain...NONE, not in the chair, or 24 hours later.

I am simply AMAZED at the place, the people, the technology and I almost wish I had another bad tooth so I could go back and say hi.

Tell me the LAST time you had a dental visit like that and we'll talk.

Look these guys up, they are incredible.

Meanwhile, I'm still thinking about this right shoulder. Sooner or later I'll have to do something with it. Maybe it will fall off and I'll have it stuffed and mounted on the wall.

Ya just never know!


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