Nadim's Reading Lists
Self Development - My Favourite 10
Atomic Habits - James Clear. A great book that highlights how the little changes add up to big impacts
Thinking Slow and Fast - Daniel Kahnman. Brilliant understanding of how to tap both of your brains.
The Almanack - Raval Navikant. More words of great wisdom.
The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle. Being present. Live in the Now 80%. Reflect on lessons learnt from the past 10%. Have a general direction for where you are going 10%. Depression is the weight of the past. Anxiety is fear of the future. Live in the Now.
Deep Work: Rules fo Focused Success - Cal Newport. Turn off distractions
How to do the Work - Dr Nicole LePera. Understand the wrinkles in your character.
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck -Mark Manson. Dont get stressed
The Psychology of Money - Morgan Housel. Compounding.
Greenlights - Matthew McConaughey. Some wise words of wisdom on living a good life
You Cant Hurt Me - David Goggins
Energy Transition & Sustainability - My Favourite 10
Silent Spring - Rachel Carson
Collapse - Jared Diamond
The Uninhabitable Earth - David Wallace-Wells
Hydrogen is the New Oil - Thierry Lepercque
How the World Really Works - Vaclav Smil.
2052 - Jorgen Randers
Cradle to Cradle - William McDonough & Michael Baumgart
Capitalism As if the World Matters - Jonathon Porritt
Green Energy For All - Ad van Wijk
The Prize - Daniel Yergin