Nadia and International Day of People with Disability
Today 3 December, is International Day of People with Disability IDPWD2024.
What is this day about?
IDPwD is a United Nations (UN) day observed internationally. It aims to promote community awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability.
The theme for IDPwD 2024 is Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future.
These are nice words, but the reality is a very dark place.
I am tempted to rage here, but what I choose to do, is to celebrate the story about what’s possible.
The story of Nadia - the world’s first AI powered digital human for service delivery, created by people with disability.
'Nadia: Politics | Bigotry | Artificial Intelligence' available on Amazon.
Grab a copy for Christmas.??
An excerpt: ??????
But the question of will Nadia come back, cannot escape the politically explosive coincidence and timing of Nadia and the unlawful RoboDebt program, and the common putrid culture that perverted human rights.
The gutless power-hungry sycophants who destroyed Nadia did so to deflect attention from the unlawful and deadly RoboDebt program, they were responsible for. History has judged you on RoboDebt: you have gone down in infamy defending the indefensible.
In the fight to protect RoboDebt and yourselves, you killed off Nadia, shut down innovation and shut-out the voices of people with disability who created her.
I hold the people who killed off Nadia, in the highest contempt.
Not only because of their shocking treatment and vilification of me and people with disability who worked on Nadia, but because the bigotry and lumbering obtuseness, robbed the future.
That decision cost jobs of the future, I believe thousands of jobs: robbed people with disability of the opportunity to work and gain skills in this massive new global market.
That weaponised decision incubated in the abyss of the RoboDebt disaster, arguably constrained academic research regarding the Nadia program, relying on the flawed and incomplete commentary that only an expert insider could challenge. And that is one of the primary reasons why I am writing the Nadia story, to correct the historical record.
And for the many good people within the bureaucracy affected by this culture, it’s more important than ever for our society that they are supported to survive, thrive, and drive ethical change.
So if you are reading this and smugly believe that through your actions, Nadia has gone away, you are in for a shock. The future has fought back.
But the government will have no part of this future.
It refused to accept what was emerging, caught in the writhing death-grip of decaying vested interests and self-protection over the deadly RoboDebt catastrophe. The preening bureaucrats who had ‘no time for this future stuff’, shut the future out.
The meteor has landed – you are the dinosaurs – but you just don’t know it.
The future Nadia can be seen in esports, gaming platforms, virtual reality, augmented reality, and immersive worlds. That’s where the future is.
Where people can be whoever they want; and learn; and connect; and work; and grow thriving communities. Anywhere. Anytime.
Everyone in my family from the youngest grandson up is active in this world. All of our grandsons design and build autonomous robots at school, learn coding, and their personal electronic devices are essential tools that augment and unlock their learning in virtual and immersive worlds.
Go take a look at the future, if you are game. Go to PAX. eSports conventions. Health tech convergence conventions like Cucalorus. Singularity University. And conventions like the ‘Innovation and the NDIS - New World Conference: Disability in the 21st Century’ where people with disability dared to pull back the curtain on the future, revealing flashes of convergence that would upend all that we understand.
But a bigoted bureaucracy chose not to be part of that future. And they did not want people with disability to create it either.
Here, the arc of history shows yet again that a patriarchal culture that normalises exclusion, diminishes life for all.
So strong was the desire for change, that even in the midst of the toxic culture and the brutal normalisation of exclusion, there emerged a fortunate and unusual convergence of special people for a short time.
The Nadia story is a global story of the triumph of imagination led by people with disability.
What was achieved in the short Nadia period, catalysed a global ecosystem.That is truly a most extraordinary achievement for the world and gives an indication of the changes that are upon us.
And in spite of all the vilification and bigotry, Nadia survives as a timeless humanitarian enigma. Once created, Nadia never really went away.
#NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #CoDesign #AI #DigitalHumans #Nadia #Innovation #IDPWD2024
im not an academic i just have questions... Autistic | ADHD | INFJ | Aries/Taurus cusp | Wood Ox | Life Path 11 | Soul Urge 11 | Personality 11 | Expression 22 | Maturity 33
3 个月Could we be blamed for not feeling very empowered by the day. Seems to not have much meaning anymore, with everything going on in the sector right now. ??
Managing Director and Assistive Technology Practitioner.
3 个月Good timing Marie, I'm on a webinar this afternoon talking about Assistive Technology and AI, the good the bad and the ugly!