“Nad, Bairhiya Thilli and Gagri Culture”

“Nad, Bairhiya Thilli and Gagri Culture”

Dry waste in blue container and wet waste in green container. This waste in one pot and that waste in other pot. This is being taught from children to old people by educational institutions, social institutions, Govt. organisations and media. For the last 20 to 25 years entire country is being taught this but there is no decrease in quantity of waste rather it has kept increasing. Condition has deteriorated to such an extent that in each locality?garbage houses are being seen. Most important issue is that even after so much of awareness and education even 5% people do not know this. I asked this question to about 50 educationist, journalist and intellectuals but only 3 could answer my question correctly.

Waste management has become one of the gigantic problems of the country. Waste has become greatest challenge for nature and life. Waste material pollute the environment as also gives birth to new diseases every day. Development or science have not been able to find out a solid solution of this menace so far.?

Waste material was there even 30-35 years ago but garbage houses were not needed. In villages there used to be a ‘Nad’ (an earthen wide pot seasoned in fire to make it hard and durable), Bairahiya Thilli/Gagri (Earthen Picher). ‘Bairahiya Thilli/Gagri is oversize earthen Picher with wide mouth used for keeping kitchen left overs. In a big family size ‘Nad’ was used for the same purpose. Bairahiya Thilli shall be kept near the place where utensils used to be washed and all the wash waste of utensils used for eating or keeping milk and curd, remains of water after washing the cereals, pulses and rice, fruits and vegetable peels, left overs etc. shall be kept in it. These accumulated liquid waste served the purpose of nutritious food for cows, buffalos and other animals in the evening. Accumulation of liquid waste since evening to morning served the purpose of nutritious lunch for these animals next day. Those who did not have animals of their own will offer the waste to their neighbours. Such pitchers will also be called Bairahiya Thilli the water in which were not considered good for human consumption and it will be used only for washing feet or dirty utensils.

Only utensils were being used for sending food to others house during marriage feasts. Alternatively invitees for feast used to bring their own utensils to collect food on such occasions. Members in every household used to have their own dedicated utensils, Lota (water pot) and tumbler for individual use such as taking food and drinking water. All utensils were made of earth, iron, copper or phool (copper alloy metal) benefit of which is now being accepted by science. Disposables like paper or plastic dishes were never used.

Many house hold wastes were used to make many items of use and decorative material. Waste paper, waste thread, waste ropes, old clothes and many other waste materials were reused to make small paper pots called Dauri or Dali in local language, Rajai (quilt), Bichhonatath (Carpet made of old cloth), decorative material etc. Students used to be given many useful home assignments by teachers which were done using only wastes of the house. Hardly there used to be a waste which could not have been put to some other purposeful use. In other words even wastes were also echo friendly.

Today entire nation is facing problem of drinking water. In spite of a big network of water pipeline and overhead water tanks crisis has kept increasing. Many states are at the loggerhead due to water crisis. Earlier there was no water tap or tank but everyone used to get water for their use as per their requirement. Water from well, ponds and river were as pure as anything. Water filters or water purifiers were not required. In today’s condition every household has to have water purifier or purchase mineral water bottle for drinking. For bathing only bucket and lota (water pot) were used. For washing face, hand etc. water in Lota served the purpose. Taking water in a bucket and using Lota for bathing saved lot of water compared to taking bath under a shower. Similarly ten times water is saved if hands and mouth is washed taking water in a Lota than doing this under a tap.?

There used to be Had/Haudi (Open shallow tank) to collect waste water) near well or community bathing place. Water falling from body during bathing used to get collected in these Had/Haudi. While using soap people will move away from Had/Haudi so that contaminated soap water does not get collected in Had/Haudi and goes down a separate drain. Near wells, community bathing places and bathing places inside the houses there will also be Had/Haudi and separate drains to avoid mixing of reusable water and contaminated water.

Water was considered life and every drop of water was being used. Water was not wasted and used only as per requirement. Today condition is such that water has become fully poisonous and is source of all sorts of disease. Water of river and ponds has become polluted and turned into waste.

If we start turning our back on everything in the name of large population or development then days are not far when we will be left with discarded waste only and this will be end of civilization. All civilization were born on the bank of rivers only. For development of civilization animals, birds, other creatures, jungle, gardens, mountains, ponds, rivers and nature are required to be there alongside human being. In this age of development nature is being kept at the bottom of the ladder. Rivers are getting dried up, ponds and water bodies are disappearing and plantation area is getting reduced.

It was not that there was no development earlier. Sun temple of Konark, Khujraho, Kutub Minar, Tajmahal and many other forts, temples and palaces were built thousands of years earlier which perhaps would have been impossible to build during current age. Thousands of forts, temples and buildings were built which remained properly lighted without electricity and cool even with lowly blowing air due to a ventilation system designed for the purpose.

It was learnt through conversation with people of many cities that drainage system built hundreds of years back was still working perfectly. A bank manager living in the capital of a developed state told that newly developed area of the capital got submerged even in ordinary rains. On the other hand century old part of the city remains unaffected even during heavy rains. Almost similar condition is seen in the national capital also.

Life style and development models achieved after millions of years of research being replaced with development models without any research is becoming dangerous. Result of tempering with nature in the name of development is visible now.

Today India ranks lowest in the world in environmental pollution. Climate change has also crossed a dangerous level. Level of oxygen is going down and carbon dioxide is increasing continuously in the atmosphere. Starting from human being, animals, birds, trees and plants to all living being and non-living things are getting badly affected. Life has reached a most difficult phase on earth.

Effect of global warming is now visible in every village and city. 45 degree temperature is new normal and in few years 50 degree temperature will become normal. Amidst scorching sun of last week of June dew drops appearing on the grasses in the park in the early morning has also become a normal phenomenon. Rain and hail storm in the months of May-June in Delhi is also a normal incident. Earlier in our childhood we used to read about global warming in books but now we see it daily with our eyes and feeling it.

There was a time when land of mortals used to be most beautiful place for Gods and demons. Gods, “Apsaras” of heaven and demons remained eager to come to earth. Country of east, India seemed like heaven once to all other countries of the world. Today circumstances have changed completely and if revolutionary steps are not taken it may make life very difficult for generation to come.

Development is needed and this is a continuous process. It is necessary that development is done on the basis of research of millions of years else it will turn into a disaster.

My all articles contains problems and solutions both. Questions are written as also the answers. Earlier when readers read an article they used to find out problem and solution both. If they did not find the solution they used to make efforts to find it out but now a days readers have become intellectual. He questions that I have told the?problem but did not tell the solution.

The topic of today’s article is so serious that the solution of the problem is beyond the capacity of the writer or the readers. For solving this problem a research based process and a passionate and credible leadership is needed. Entire country has to understand this problem collectively as also it is required that they make all creatures like animal, birds, other living beings, environment and nature their foremost and chief religion. Love for the nature and environment should be foremost religion of the humanity. Only after this there is any scope for the existence of any religion.

On the basis of my limited knowledge I am presenting few suggestions which may be an initial and easy work to do.

1. Carry your own water pot made of “Phool”(copper alloy) or Copper. These days’ metallic bottles are also available. Don’t use plastic bottles or single use utensils even by mistake.

2. Use bucket and “Lota” (metallic round water pot) while taking bath. This will prevent misuse of water and save lot of water.

3-While washing mouth in the basin use mug or lota this will save waste of water from continuously running tap.

Our small efforts can help nature enormously.

My article has been published in hindi in “Gauravshali Bharat” magazine.

Link for the Magazine-


The above thoughts are not written for the purpose of hurting any country, person and society. If someone is hurt, then I apologize.

Thank you

Ravi Shankar Rai

27 Jun 2022

Sanjay Bahl

CEO @ Superweld Ecosolutions | Environmental Problem-Solving

2 年

Ravi Shankar Rai indeed this is an enormous problem that needs to be dealt with at the earliest. It’s high time educated people started “behaving” like educated people.



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