Naaah....I'll do it later...
It'll be ok. What could possibly go wrong?
I could never find it. No matter how hard I looked for it on my calendar. “Later”just did not exist. Turns out there is actually a reason for this - later never arrives. It just keeps drifting out into the future. Along with opportunity and perhaps your reputation.
It’s Monday morning - the sun just came up here in NW Chicagoland. This is actually my favorite time of the week. WTF? Yes - I hear your thought echoing across the Internet. How can this be? Because Monday is “now”. It’s the new week. New opportunity! For communication and, well, everything.
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For me, this started in school as a kid. I loved the first day of a new school year. New classes. New Trapper Keeper and fast sneakers (because they were brand new - new sneakers are always faster, right?) As a kid, you don’t really get the big efforts behind little things. Thanks, Mom and Dad! No doubt, I am super fortunate to have loving and supportive parents.
This love of new/first days carried on into college with a new semester. Ahhh…the feel of the freshly printed/copied syllabus between my fingers. Across campus, there was the buzz of college football approaching (back in the good old days when no one wanted to play the Florida Gators at home in The Swamp). We really need a new coach.
Back to “later”. Or “now”. And you.
When something new starts during the “now”, it has a definitive time and date. Things move on with or without you. People are more aware of this fact and any consequences that usually accompany a new beginning. “Now” can be exciting. Or missing it can be really bad.
How does “Now” and “Later” differ for people? Why do people put off “later”? Again and again? Short answer is because they can - until they run out of “now’s”.
Anything we do “now” (communication and everything else) begins with one action. A decision. Been meaning to call someone? Send a note? Respond to a friend?
What delays doing any of those things? You know. I know. Culprit number one is “being busy”. Getting rid of this phrase can be incredibly liberating. Work is a product from an effort. Not the effort (aka “busyness”). Set a goal of being so tired from working (being productive/making real things happen) at the end of day you don’t even think of “being busy”.
Sometimes legit things interfere - our lives are far from perfect. But it sucks when we let “later” become permanent. It does no one any good.
The best thing about “now”. It’s always with you. Waiting for your decision to make it count.
Mondays are a great opportunity to continue a conversation or close the loop with people. What are you going to do “now”? I have a couple of texts to send after breakfast.