‘Na the work wey we dey do’ pt2

‘Na the work wey we dey do’ pt2

Lesson 12: Don't be so conscious of the things you can't do that you lose sight of what you can do.

What have you consistently done well?

What have you loved to do?

Stand at the intersection of your affections and successes and you will find your UNIQUENESS.

Successful writers (and I believe this applies to every other area of creative expression) credit their achievements to two (2) things that really matter:

(i) what the customer wants

(ii) what you know and want to write about.

Using what you know to help other people get what they want creates a master piece.

Instead of struggling in an area where you are a ‘4’ and after much hard work you can only rise to a ‘6’, why not work from a place where you are a ‘7’ and have the potential to become a ‘9’ with training and hard work.

If you puff yourself up, you will get the wind knocked out of you. But if you are content to simply be yourself, your life will count for plenty.**

Celebrate your difference from others.

You are an original. You are UNIQUE for your purpose.

Lesson 12: Don't be so conscious of the things you can't do that you lose sight of what you can do.


