NA: Spectrum Protect News Letter and Event Update April 2020
Sanjay Patel
Principal Technical Manager @ IBM | Data & AI, Storage for Hybrid Cloud, Data Resilience
Dear customers and Partners,
First, I want you to know that IBM stands with you during this turbulent time. As always, my team will personally do all we can to help you succeed and thrive. That is the nature of our partnership, and that doesn’t change. That never changes. IBM’s response to COVID-19.
Arvind Krishna - IBM CEO
As many of you are aware, today is the first day for Arvind Krishna as a new CEO of IBM. Below is the letter Arvind shared with IBMers today about the public health crisis, IBM’s essential role in the world, and his commitments as the new CEO of IBM. Arvind’s first day as CEO – our journey together
I am excited to provide exciting product announcements around AWS Data Protection with IBM Spectrum Protect Plus v10.1.5. We are providing in-depth product update via Virtual event, We will evaluate the schedule for local events as the situation improves in North America.
IBM Spectrum Protect Plus for AWS – New Announcements:
- Data Sheet
- IBM Spectrum Protect Plus 10.1.5 All-on-Cloud Server & vSnap on AWS, NEW VPC - Demo
- Latest Presentation including Cyber Resiliency, Container Data Protection, Database & Application Protection, What’s new in Spectrum Protect and Protect Plus
Gain more insights about your data and your backup - Spectrum Protect & Spectrum Discover Integration: This presentation talks about the integration of Spectrum Protect and Spectrum Discover. This integration is designed to extract the metadata from the Spectrum Protect catalog in order to help mitigate risk from the data in the backups and improve overall Data Protection storage utilization to help save money. Explore more
Monthly Tech Tuesday: Registration
Presentation & Recording:
IBM Tech U Weekly Talk (Tuesday 10 CST) : Registration
Title & Registration
- 8-Apr FlashSystem Family Technical Update and Hot Topics
- 15-Apr Monitor Your FlashSystems with Spectrum Control and Storage Insights
- 22-Apr Hybrid Multicloud Solutions w/ FlashSystem + Spectrum Virtualize for Public Cloud, Ansible, and Red Hat
- 29-Apr DS8000, TS7700 What's New! SafeGuard Copy, TS7700 Transparent Cloud Tiering and More
- May 13 IBM Cloud Object Storage Usage Cases, Technical Update, Cyber Resiliency
- May 20 Spectrum Scale / ESS Technical Update, Usage Cases, Splunk, Archive, Cyber Resiliency
- 27-May IBM Storage for AI, Spectrum Discover Technical Update, Directions
- 3-Jun IBM Modern Data Protection and Cyber Resiliency for Hybrid Multicloud Environments
- 10-Jun What's New in the Spectrum Protect Portfolio
- 17-Jun Spectrum Protect / Spectrum Protect Plus New Version Technical Update
- 24-JunStrategy and Direction: IBM Storage for Red Hat and IBM Cloud Paks
- 1-Jul Introduction to Containers, Kubernetes and Persistent Storage
YouTube Spectrum Protect Channel- Tricia Jiang
Spectrum Protect & Spectrum Protect Plus Blue Print and Sizing
Your Feedback is Important to us, please provide your insights and feedback.
Sanjay Patel
Storage Protect Leader, North America
E-mail: [email protected]