Na?ve, Maybe-Loving, I hope-Ridiculous, Possibly
Annie Meehan ?? CSP??
??Keynote Speaker | Award-Winning Author | Executive Coach | Champion of Connection & Resilience | Change Expert | Emcee | Trainer | DiSC Certified | Hospitality | Healthcare | Social Services | Franchise ??
Na?ve, Maybe-Loving, I hope-Ridiculous, Possibly
When I was 21 I worked for an organization inside of a college with 2 guys named Daryl & Russell. I used to tell them all the time how all people were good and how much I loved all people. But they would always say wait & see you will change your mind when you get older. I often think about finding them and saying I am older and I did not change my mind, But I can’t remember their last names. It didn’t bother me what was in someone’s past their wounds or scars. I believe all people have good parts in them. Ever since then hundreds maybe even thousands of people have called me foolish, na?ve, ridiculous and a few other words about my beliefs, my views, my lens I choose to look through. I always think whether I say it or not I would rather be overly optimistic then overly pessimistic. One of the guys would always say just wait you are not old enough, have not experienced enough life yet, just wait & see people are bad, there is not much good in this world, don’t trust people. But I would always think they have no idea that by the time I was 20 I had seen and experienced more darkness in life then most will ever see but I still look for and hope for the good. I live by Choice not but what I have seen and know to be true but by the hope that even in the challenges there are still some good parts. Yesterday for the first time I wondered if maybe I am wrong and they were right? I hope not but today I am tired & I have seen & heard some dark comments this week and I just wonder is it easier for people to be Negative? I like to think of myself as Phil from Modern Family or the Princess from Enchanted, where all I see is the good but sometimes it is tiring to look for the silver-lining that I teach about in every circumstance. I know ignorance can be blissful but I also want to be wise. Tell me one thing you know is good in life, in people or in the world today!