The N is on our side, now only time will tell!

The N is on our side, now only time will tell!

The COVID virus exists. It is a virus that beyond doubt will remain amongst us, even though at a certain point in time mainstream media broadcasted: “We can battle this virus and eradicate it from this globe”.

So with very few people dying from it and for some reason taking death suddenly as something that could not possibly be occurring to us in the age of info-technology and bio-technology, we needed a quick remedy.

High demand, reduced offer, the market working at its best! The pharmaceutical companies putting their best men and women to work. And we are quickly offered a vaccine!

That is, we are offered an experimental medicine, still within the according stages of the clinical trials that apply to developing drugs or vaccines. The fact that these vaccines have been formally (but preliminary) approved by those appointed to do so, does not change the status of the clinical trial nor does it change the fact that vaccines as applied today remain experimental.

Liability for any harm done never lies with the drug producing company. That’s how it goes with clinical trials, that is common practice. I first-handedly signed of the papers when entering a clinical trial for the development of a drug. But that was between me and the pharmaceutical company.

But if this is an experimental drug and when adverse effects occur, to whom does the ‘affected’ vaccine taker turn to? A written consent wasn’t signed by the vaccine taker.

I understand this is an extraordinary situation that calls for extraordinary measures. But that doesn’t give way to distort the truth about the status of a medicine ‘under construction’, or any other issue related to the vaccine or disease. Something is at hand here.

People are massively taking an experimental drug without prior written consent. The only country I have read about where they do require written consent before 'jabbing' and where they do warn about the possible risks involved is Japan:

So how could this have come into play? I don’t have the facts and I’m not a virologist, pandemic expert, vaccine-producer or some type of FDA expert or employee. So it’s my plain imagination that came up with the following conversation between a vaccine producer and a vaccine buying government.?


Hi government, this is a serious situation, thanks for arranging this meeting. This virus is still unknown territory, spreading like hell and people can possibly get seriously ill or even die. I think it has been wise to lock-down your country. Your hospitals may have ran out of 'oxygen' if not having taken these drastic matters. Must have been a very hard decision.

But let’s look beyond this. A lock-down has huge economic effects and let’s not forget about what happens to people being confined, children not going to school, not being able to exercise outdoors, etc. Lock-downs are not the solution!

Let us propose you the following. We have been developing something that appears to be very effective. Thing is, clinical trials for drugs that are proven to be both effective ánd safe, requiere volunteers ánd time. So to get this to market, we need to become a little creative.


OK, so for getting these so needed volunteers, what do you suggest?


Well, we should get this word ‘volunteer’ out of the way. Can you imagine going out there to offer this drug and invite people to become participants? They understand that this is something experimental and furthermore we should individually have all these people sign their consent and waiver papers. This takes way too much time and drastically reduces the amount of people from whom we can get data. And you don’t have time for that.

Now listen here, we can probably get a preliminary approval from the authorities, pointing out the effectiveness of the vaccine and the relieve the application could bring to the global economy and world-wide healthcare systems. You play this well and they’ll go along. No one wants to be responsible for a massive burn down of an economy or healthcare system anywhere.


But that doesn’t result in this medicine being a proven safe ánd effective medicine, right?


No, that’s right. But if you can just show the word APPROVED, most will rest assured and will be willing to receive the vaccine. There is no time to completely determine who is at risk here. Again, that takes time. The virus apparently affects older people or people with known or unknown health issues. For now, anyone could possibly die. And that's the good part! If no one can guarantee you will not die when getting infected, you always have an argument for getting massive vaccination underway.

Many have jobs, everyone is used to live a certain way of life. This virus has disrupted everything. People are willing to do what it takes to get back to ‘normal’. After this 'approval', you need to act to get the vaccine massively available and do all the correct communications and logistics. We’ll help you out here.

Listen, test results really show us that the vaccine is effective in downplaying the symptoms when people get infected. So implementing this now will beyond any doubt relieve your health-care systems.


And what about the other aspect needed, time?


Of course I can’t tell you about the long-term effects, for this we have these certain time-frames to abide by when developing drugs. But you have got to act. The massive roll-out of this vaccine has the benefit of massively testing so at least we have a large N. Perhaps we can extrapolate from the data a little bit and have some models telling us about the risks for the future.

There is no time to waste, you need to get your economy going again, you need to relieve the burden this virus is heavily putting on your healthcare system.


But there’s always people asking questions, what do you recommend?



OK, some practical advice, off the record. We are all without certainty and we believe this to be our way out, right? Start communicating that a vaccinated person completely blocks transmission of the virus. So vaccination will stop the virus from spreading and the pandemic will soon be over if everyone is vaccinated. For most this is easy to understand. Many vaccines before this one are indeed transmission blocking vaccines.


But is this the case here as well?


Well, no! But you have a healthcare system that will implode so you need to start with something. After all, it has been you that decided that there was no need to have a large IC capacity and that it all seemed logical to downsize and 'optimize' this capacity. And you know what? You are not to blame. Who on earth could have thought about a pandemic or the need to be able to quickly upscale IC capacity in case of a pandemic, war or any other 'rare' historic thing that would require this? But fact of the matter is, you created this and you need to act now, buy yourself time.

Then when it becomes clear that a vaccinated persons still transmit the virus, say that it is less and throw in some statistics. Don’t use the variable of time when mentioning this!! This ‘thing’ of being less transmissible is only during a very short amount of time. You need to keep pushing 'all' people to get vaccinated, not only those we know at risk.

And whilst we are at it, let me describe the future of all this. We will see double vaccinated people getting infected again ánd getting seriously ill. Tell people that this is because of the continuous mutation of the virus. But that this is not something to worry about. Communicate that this is normal and that your pharma partners are already ahead of this with their follow-up or booster shots. With this they will probably not die.?



“Probably not die?” And does this mean we will go from a pandemic to giving booster-shots every 6 months?


Yes, they’ll probably don’t die. Did you think we could do magic, or that we are some kind of God all of a sudden? And don’t forget here that we are in this business to make money. Yes, the virus will keep mutating and will requiere continuous adjustments to our 'recipe'.

Here’s an old marketing trick. Get some information out there that this continuous transformation of the virus is due to unvaccinated people. It will ignite some controversy but helps you get more people vaccinated. A little peer-pressure we call this. Something like that every not vaccinated person can be held to blame for not getting out of this pandemic. Trust me, to be successful here, you need to define the black sheep in the family. This method has always worked.


Well, if you say so and give us a good price, I think we are all set to go!


That’s just perfect. You have made the right decision. You will go into history as the government that acted. Don’t worry about that time factor, it will all be just fine! Please sign this waiver.


I love imagining.

Yes, the virus exists. Yes, some people can get seriously ill. Yes, the vaccine works to downplay the symptoms. And yes, this relieves healthcare systems.

But after two years in this, we CANNOT uphold any more that the vaccine has gone through all required stages of a clinical trial and therefor state that the vaccine has ‘proven’ to be effective ánd safe (that is, without risks).

We CANNOT uphold anymore that vaccinated people don’t transmit the virus or that unvaccinated people are to blame for the virus mutations or spread of the virus.

So to all vaccinated people (that recently includes me by the way): I am and will be forever grateful to all of you for having participated in this massive clinical trial. I just hope you have been aware of this and have been well informed.

And I sincerely hope that this results in reaching the development and global distribution of a drug, properly proven to be both safe and effective to get back to ‘normal’.

The N is on our side, now only time will tell.


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