Myths About Writing - Let's Debunk 'Em!
Some of you know that I was on vacation in Paris for three, glorious weeks in August. That's the reason for no newsletter in September - I was exhausted! But contrary to what the photo above implies, there were no bakeries on Rue du Croissant. Quel dommage! Imagine our disappointment. Instead this street was named after a café sign of a crescent moon from 1612. It's no myth that there are bakeries everywhere in Paris, and even a bad croissant is pretty darn good, wherever you find it.
While we're talking myths, let's debunk some about writing. Maybe you believe these myths, so you're not creating that new website, newsletter, or blog, professionally edited workbook or book, or managing your social media presence. Doing so would definitely help your business, right? Right!
I've heard all the reasons why businesses don't use all the tools at their disposal to help increase revenue, including these. But you can get your marketing communication revved up or off on the right track when you let me make it easy for you. I can do it. Or teach you how - both the mechanics and the creative idea brainstorming. Or I can sit with you (in person or virtually) while you do it yourself and be your communication coach.
So no more excuses. Let's get busy improving your business, easily, and debunk those writing myths today.
Until next month,
P.S. Want to improve your website quickly? My website evaluation is only $379. You'll get immediate, actionable feedback on where your website works, and what could be improved. Contact me now!