The Myths About Reading We Need to Bust

The Myths About Reading We Need to Bust

We have all been exposed to several myths about reading during our time in school. Unfortunately, myths like these are so prevalent that they could even contribute to our resistance to reading.

You most likely have a personal opinion about reading, whether you are a bookworm or haven’t sat down and read a book for quite a long time.

You might think that there’s nothing exciting about reading. It takes a lot of time for nothing. Or, you enjoy reading a lot, and appreciate the doors it opens to new worlds. In any case, our English and Literature lessons in school have likely affected our reading habits despite being long gone.

Listed below are 5 myths about reading that we should dispel so that we can restore our love of reading once more.

  • Myth 1: It is essential to complete all the books we read.

No one is fond of someone who gives up. It’s because of this mindset that you may be reluctant to stop reading and confront people’s shaming for quitting on things halfway.

Even so, there is no reason you should keep reading a book, particularly if you have become bored with the book long ago. A tedious book can quickly become a chore if you force yourself to finish it. Furthermore, once you have done something like this often, your mind will associate reading with monotony (worse yet, a painful experience!).

You don’t have to feel guilty if you do not complete a book. You might not have been drawn to a book for various reasons, such as the author’s style of writing or your mental state at the time. It is always a good idea to save a book for another time if you are hesitant to give up entirely on it, as you can always revisit the book when you are ready.

  • Myth 2: Only non-fiction books qualify as valuable reading.

Ask a friend about their favourite book of all time. Well, if the book in question is lighthearted or romantic there is a possibility that the reader blushes and mumbles to make excuses for themselves.

People who achieved great success tend to recommend non-fiction books on the list of books they would recommend to their friends. Therefore, if you find fiction books on the shelf, there is a good chance that they are classics written by authors you probably studied in your time as a student. There seems to be an assumption that is implicit in this statement that only books written in non-fiction will be able to help us; therefore, reading a nonfiction book is not considered to be a ‘serious’ reading activity.

It is essential to take pride in what you are reading! Diverse reading can be of great benefit to an individual. In the current media landscape, many conflicting viewpoints dominate the discourse and are especially prevalent in fiction, which tends to develop empathy — a skill much needed, especially considering that so many differing viewpoints exist.

Every book has something to be learned; even a romantic comedy can have a valuable lesson to offer. Our receptivity and openness to learning determine whether we can learn. Furthermore, nothing prevents you from picking up something less heavy and enjoying it for a few minutes. Enough hurtful things are going on in this world, so it is imperative to take a break every once in a while and take it easy.

  • Myth 3: Reading online does not qualify as reading.
  • The concept that people must do reading in a physical book is an archaic way of approaching reading. The number of people embracing e-books is growing (especially during the pandemic, when access to the public library was more challenging than ever). Yet, book purists continue having a negative view of readers of audiobooks.

You are still interacting with the overall story and the author’s ideas, whether reading them on the screen or listening to them while sitting in front of a screen. As far back as the beginning of time, storytelling was a form of communication. Scholars were concerned that writing down stories would destroy the heart and soul of culture before writing was invented.

The most crucial benefit of audiobooks is that they make reading more accessible to people. In addition, audiobooks can be enjoyed by people with vision problems and those who are visually impaired. Finally, there is a potential that audiobooks will be more captivating for you than versions that are based on words, based on how well they are narrated.

  • Myth 4: Reading books takes too long because they are too long to read.

Not every book has 560,000 words and approximately 1,463 pages as War and Peace does. However, there are quite a few books available today that are under 150 pages long. A short, captivating book describing Heinrich Boll’s upbringing in Nazi Germany and his hatred of Hitler, What’s to Become of the Boy, is an example. In 1972, Boll won the Nobel Prize for literature for his work.

Aside from that, it is always a good idea to read summaries. You can quickly grasp the key insights of books with ease and pleasure. In Bitely, you can find bite-sized knowledge from non-fiction book summaries in various categories. Not only can you read the book’s most vital parts in a short time, you can also listen to it’s audio narrative.

  • Myth 5: It’s too much like school.

This myth is indeed a little bit true, but only a little bit. The time has come for you to move on from it. You were undoubtedly required to read books in school. But, as well as long division, running the mile, and dissecting a frog, how often do you have to do these things unless you’re a scientist or butcher?

Taking tests or writing reports about every book you read is no longer necessary. Furthermore, you no longer have to read books picked out for you by others. Imagine how much fun it would be if you could choose your book, which could be about anything in the world! Anything from basketball to murder mysteries to dissecting pigs, there’s a book for you. After you finish reading a book, you will not be approached by someone and asked to hand them a 5-page thesis about it by the end of the week.

There shouldn’t be any restrictions or judgments in terms of reading. We do it as a leisure activity. Individual preferences and what works best for our lifestyles should guide our reading.

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