Myths, Falsehoods and Half-Truths in the Get Rich Advice, Success Coaching, Success Motivation, Mentorship and Other Self-Help Staff.
Environmental Eng. Simon Mandhlaenkosi Bere (M.Sc.)
?Professional Speaker?Consultant, Trainer and Teacher in Strategy, Planning, Performance, Problem-Solving & Solutions?H2O?Waste?Climate, Pollution, Environment ?SDGs ?Leadership?Entrepreneurship/Busimness/Marketing/Sales
I have been interested in studying things outside my formal academic areas of education since high school. While studying sciences and later environmental engineering stuff at uni, I was also reading and studying in are areas such a business, psychology, strategy, thinking and emotions, organisations, leadership, management, sales and self-help subjects. This intensified after I completed my M.Sc. because then I had a lot of time on my hands outside work.
While reading and studying around the self-help area, I tried many of the things the success and motivation gurus say will lead to success. The results were mixed with a lot of what the gurus promoted as something that would never fail failing to dismally to help me create the success or the changes they claimed.
Get Rich Gurus and Their Sciences and Formulas
Many of these self-help gurus including "success coaches" and motivational experts are excellent marketers. They use a lot of psychological tricks, some very sophisticated to lure the desperate and the naive to buy into their promises of ending their prospects' suffering or of bringing success very easily and almost instantly. This trend is especially strong in financial and money matters where some get-rich gurus claim to have "discovered" the "science" or the "secret formula" to turn any pauper into a millionaire or billionaire easily and effortlessly. Here are some phrases they use;
Then what happens is that you will have some of these "gurus" make a millions themselves selling their secrets either at a very small price but reaching a large global pool of millions the highly ambitious or desperate people. You only discover that you have bought empty words after you have paid and in most cases you try the silly things they say you must do to become rich and when they fail you mostly start thinking it is your fault or if you keep trying it will work. In any case, you have no way of reclaiming your money especially if you purchased your magic formula online.
Then we have another group that target those who are already financially well and want more and they sell to them this secret to become a millionnaire or billionaire at very high prices for ordinary people but that are not a big deal to those who are financially well. They will sell their secret formula at, for example USD20 000. Now someone who is willing to pay USD20 000 for this kind of solution often can afford to write it off if the solution does not work. In any case, the get rich gurus always have a back up plan for those who try to recover their money when their magic solutions fail.
Success Motivation
Success motivation is effective in the majority of cases; that is if it is done correctly to the right people. Yet there are certain brand of success motivation that are counterproductive and produce more harm than good because they are misleading or lead to creating negative self image or feelings of inferiority among the targets. Here are examples;
If you want to be rich, just recite the affirmation, "I am rich! I am rich! I am rich!" as many times and possible and riches will immediately start appearing in your life.
Listen, again positive affirmation help a lot. However, they have to be crafted in a certain way to work. Second, it is foolish to think empty positive affirmation not supported by mental and physical action will help you.
Shouting, "I am born great. I am born great" can increase your self esteem and self confidence, but will not help you to be truly great. In any case, before you join the shouting, "I am born great! I am born great", ask yourself;
Let me say this. personal, organisational and economic greatness are real. You have some greatness in you and everyone has some greatness. The problem is people don't know the meaning of greatness and how to discover and ignite and live their greatness. You need a competent greatness coach to truly enjoy your