Myths around productivity and how to create sustainable productivity in real estate

Myths around productivity and how to create sustainable productivity in real estate


All trainers speak about being more productive and they may even discuss a few techniques for increasing productivity, but have you noticed how this tends to dissipate after a few weeks, then you are back to your old habits?

  • We need something that can be sustained and maintained.
  • We need to think less big picture and more daily steps on the ladder to success.

The second session of my Success in Real Estate program helps you to get your mindset right around productivity and build daily success steps.

Distraction is costing us!

  • When we are not productive, we are not making money.
  • When we are with a prospect/potential vendor, we are desperate.

However when we are focused we can feel it; we feel good in front of a prospect, one stint of productivity per day will work wonders.

One hour of focused prospecting per week is 52 hours per year (daily this is 365 hours per year).

Even if you speak with 10 people per hour, 3650 people spoken to per year.

At a ratio of 100 people spoken to one listing, that’s 36.5 listings and an extra 3 listings per month just from doing one hour per day.

This is anywhere between $20,000 – $60,000 extra per month if you sell 2 of the 3 listings, for one hours work per day.

When I was selling real estate, I would speak with 32 people per listing, which is 6 per month, so that’s 1-2 million per year for 3 hours work.

6 hours work for $20k-$40k.

Why it worked: consistency and the ability to focus on prospecting for such a short time per day for such a long time.

There is a lot to fixing a mindset that has been ingrained for years.

That’s why the first day of my Success in Real Estate program covers this off so that you can massively increase your listings.

You will leave day one with a structured plan in place for your day-to-day life as a million dollar real estate agent.

You will have a clearly defined set of goals and know how to maintain a high level of consistency.

You will have spent the day in an environment of self-reflection so that you can start from a point of enlightenment, heightened inspiration and motivation on day two.

Book a call with Michael Kies today to see if the Success in Real Estate program is right for you…


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