Myth: if you keep doing the same thing, You can expect the same result
We keep getting bombarded with motivational and "wisdom" messages on social media all the time. One of such messages I have come across very often in different flavors are the following:
If you keep doing the same old think, You can expect the same old result.
If you keep doing what youve always been doing, you'll keep getting what youve always been getting.
If you keep doing what youve always done, you'll keep getting what youve always got, nothing changes unless you make it change.
I've also heard a lot of successful people say the same thing in varying flavors. However, my experience has been different and here is the other side of the coin. Sometimes, repeating the same thing over and over again one day gives you something extraordinarily spectacular and beyond imagination.
What if Darshrath followed the popular belief (in the above mentioned quotes) he would never have achieved what he did. He did the same thing over and over again and kept getting the same dirt and heap of mountain everyday.
One more example which Ive come across on social media that explains the same point.
Indeed, its a funny world we live in and truth is not linear.