The Myth Of Self-Discipline.
Lablonde Juliette Kalalizi
Qualified Applications Developer | Software Developer | Information Technology | Passionate about Technology and Leadership. Having an Innovative personality, crafting solutions with Code and Creativity
January was the month of Goal-Setting and planning, but how disciplined or consistent are you with the goals that you have set for yourself? Are you still on track or you have lost your way? If you want to become successful you have to set goals for yourself, draw an action plan for your wishes and make sure you stay on track by measuring your progress. If you haven't completed your first step yet of goal setting, please read first my previous article here, then you can come back to read this one, as it is a continuation to learn how self-discipline can play a big role in achieving your dreams.
Success flows from passion, not from self-discipline. I'm not saying that self-discipline is unimportant. Just the opposite, Self-Discipline is the foundation of character and character is the foundation of all lasting success.
The headlines and history books are full of hotshots who fell from grace because they lacked character. Without character, success is meaningless, but the character is only the launching pad, it is not the rocket. The rocket is passion.
Successful people do what they need to do, whether they like it or not. That is what we call self-discipline. Exceptionally, successful people do what they need to do because they love it. That's passion. If you have to force yourself to make your wish come true then you are working on the wrong wish.
Look around you, the people who are wildly successful are not doing what they hate; they are doing what they love or at least they have learned to love what they are doing.
It's easy to fall in love with an effect, we all want to be rich, or famous, or to make a difference in the world. The trick is to fall in love with the cause of your why? The people who are most likely to become successful measure success and they fall in love with the processes that cause their success.
Fall in love with the cause and the effect will take care of itself. When you are in love with the cause, you are following the path of least resistance. Your actions come naturally, you don't have to discipline yourself, you don't have to force yourself, you don't even have to motivate yourself, you simply do what you enjoy doing. The doing then becomes its own rewards, and your desired results follow the way dessert follows a great meal.
When you are passionately in love with the process of making your wish come true, you allow yourself to treasure the moment, instead of waiting for some distant payoff. This is what living is all about.
The greatest gift you can give yourself is the gift of enjoying what you do every day, this is why they call it the "Present." The easiest way to substitute passion for self-discipline is to change the way you think about what you are doing. Instead of asking yourself, "How can I get myself to do this"? ask yourself, "How can I get myself to enjoy doing this"?
The secret to enjoy is to find it wherever you look and look it everywhere, look for it in the tasks that will make your wish come true. Look for it in doing, look for it in the challenges you face and the problems you have to solve. Look for it at the moment.
Don't try to talk yourself into feeling this joy; imagine yourself into it instead. Change your mental movies, enlarge your comfort zone. Instead of running a movie that shows how much you hate what you are doing, run the movie that shows how much you love it.
Picture how much you enjoy doing the things that will make your wish come true, and before long you will enjoy doing them. At first, this new movie might feel uncomfortable, the way you feel when you are trying to acquire any new habit, just keep practicing until it feels more natural to run the new movie than it does to run the old one.
When you are working on ways to achieve your goals and make your wishes come true, allow yourself to feel the intense emotions you have already connected with your wish. Whatever you deeply feel for your wish, you will soon feel for each step that causes your wish to come true.
When you allow yourself to connect positive emotions to every step you take along the way, you will soon find yourself performing every step naturally without having to discipline yourself to make it happen. No matter what step you are working on, you will feel the emotional satisfaction of working on your entire wish. When you reach that point, causing your wish to come true, it will seem like the most natural thing in the world; a product of passion and joy, instead of self-discipline.
To make your wish come true, you have to play the pause, you have to give yourself a moment to relax, to do nothing, to take a breath before moving to the next task. To persist, you must endure, To endure you must from time to time allow yourself to recuperate. If you feel stressed, depressed, or worn out, if you feel ready to give up, then chances are you don't know when to stop. To make your wish come true, you need to pace yourself, not kill yourself. You need to play the pause.
How you pause is your business, It may be by parachute jumping or rock climbing. It may be by lying in your bed all afternoon or baking a pie. It may be by watching a movie, reading a book, or painting a picture. Whatever works for you, do it. Do it often. Build it into your habit. Note: without pause, they are no music, they are noise.
Thank you so much for staying here with me, thank you for dedicating your time to read my Newsletter. If you are inspired by the topic of this article and the information in it, please connect with me here on Linkedin and subscribe to my youtube channel for more content like these.
If you want to watch a video about how to set goals and how to make your wishes presentable, please watch it here.
Youtube: Lablonde Kalalizi
John Morley
3 年EXCELLENT - PASSION will take you on a magical journey ...if you SURRENDER TO IT .... Passion is the enemy of Balance and Logic .... If you "think your way" out of your "calling" you will diminish your life. True value and meaning will flow from your PASSION..... Don't let other, or circumstances, deter your PURSUIT of your passion .... Accept ALL OPENINGS that will lead you there .... deal with the details later. EVERY DECISION that faces you must be answered by a SINGLE QUESTION ..... "If I do this, will it bring me CLOSER to achieving my PASSION" ... If the answe is YES ... do it - If the answer is NO ... don't do it.