The myth of overnight success

The myth of overnight success

��Overnight success�� stories are glorified in headlines and drive book sales. But, in reality, its evasiveness is what turns many dreams into disillusionment. The slippery slope of chasing the ��overnight success�� is what leads many entrepreneurs to give up on their business goals too soon.?

So, let��s look at what this myth is really about.

It��s not an easy ride?

Nothing is easy. A successful business, a long-lasting relationship, a loving family, a refined skill or ability�� all take effort, planning, and resilience. If you accept this as a matter of fact, then everything in life actually becomes simpler and less troubling. No matter what you know, what your business goals are, and how well you prepare, things often go astray and hit the fan. When it does, don't despair. Don't complain. Don't think ��what if?�� Just accept, because there's so much beyond our control. Instead, take this opportunity to learn and reassess. Work towards an even better solution, using insights from the setback you��ve experienced. And on those wonderful occasions when everything falls into place, embrace it, cherish it, celebrate it?�C and look forward to the next time it happens!

The nature of business

I've seen a thousand business opportunities in the last 31 years that I��ve been in business - some better than others. Some I��ve taken up and some I've created. Most of them promise untold wealth, riches, and freedom�� all the reasons we want to be in business, right? The first test I always apply to these opportunities is asking myself ��Does it feel too good to be true?�� Experience has proven that if it��s too good to be true, then it definitely isn��t true. This is where it comes down to some very un-sexy deliberation around money, due diligence, and gut feeling.

My ��overnight success��

I was recently telling someone that we had a record year in our business �C not just in money terms, but in all aspects �C and how we��ve been experiencing steady growth ever since. They then commented about how quickly we became successful, saying it was because we took advantage of the economic climate. Apparently that made us an ��overnight success��. I couldn��t help but laugh. I said ��Yes, we are an overnight success�� as long as your definition includes the 30 plus years of doing business.��

It��s interesting to note that it��s always those looking in, seeing only snippets of the public face of a business, who label something as an ��overnight success��. Because those on the inside, who have faced the frustrations, overcome the challenges, and still kept their business goals ontrack tell a very different story. In fact, real stories of ��blood, sweat and tears�� actually win more admiration and respect due to their tenacity and resilience. This is one of the reasons sharing our personal story and business journey is an important part of building connections and nurturing relationships.

There��s no such thing as ��luck�� either

The other disempowering myth is the idea that some people��s success is based on luck. But what is luck - other than the meeting of preparedness and opportunity? Preparedness sits completely within our control �C to create, learn, and grow from the resources available to us. While opportunity itself is not always within our influence, recognising and engaging with it definitely is. Fortunately, for those who believe in pursuing their business goals relentlessly there��s no room for the whimsical nature of ��luck�� to affect their chance for success.

Never give up

I firmly believe in the motto ��Never give up�� - as long as what you are working towards is aligned with your beliefs, your being, your desires at the time. The wonderful adage of ��Do what you love and you��ll never work a day in your life�� is one I live by. However, you have to be very honest with yourself. If you don't love it any more - even if you once did - then it��s time to change direction and find something that you do love. It won��t be easy, but there will be something out there for you and it will be worth it. ?

It might not happen overnight, but it will happen.

#overnightsuccess #businessmyths


John Mason, GAICD�ĸ�������

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