Myth of the Miracle Marketing Campaign and why Reverse Engineering your Success in Small Steps is where True Success lies for Education Businesses

Myth of the Miracle Marketing Campaign and why Reverse Engineering your Success in Small Steps is where True Success lies for Education Businesses

I'm going to open Pandora's Box

There is an ongoing myth in branding, advertising/marketing world that miracle campaigns exist , and we’ve heard about the Lemon Volkswagen ads with their clear simplicity and cleverness from Bernbach and co , or we see what Widen and Kennedy do with Old spice,If you don't know who these are these are big advertising and design agencies ,and those are examples of Ad's that have been admired and given awards.

But it's not realistic to think that because those campaigns work in your case , as a small business or startup, in fact trying to replicate that for your business is going to put you in a world of pain

 The truth is they are addons to already successful companies , this just a thing on their checklist to do. But we think because they are big in successful they are doing all these things and we as small business owners must do them too. But this is wrong because what they have have their disposal of resources is drastically different than what you have.

But that’s the wrong way to approach you need to yourself as the seedling of Amazon or seedling of Apple not as they are now. 

This means your strengths are clear , hot knife cutting through butter communication , and human to human contact to get in touch with people quicker and faster than most Goliath companies can , your speed and human connection is the variable of success here. 

So let's get into it , there is only three ways any campaign or project gets distributed in order to have an effect

Print roll out/traditional media - where all the print ads are rolled out in front of target locations 

Paid- where you pay a platform for advertising space

Organic and Direct- posting content as free advertising , getting directly in contact with your target market 

So what is this about, well novelty and flashiness is overrated , although having a place in a wider strategy

But you have probably thought that these innovative campaigns it's what get eyeballs attention because they are new and novel,and that's what customers value because its getting their attention, period.

Not necessarily. these initiatives are flash in the plan marketing for small businesses it creates a buzz for sometime and dies out, marketers/ advertisers can debate below but that's what I see in almost every Cannes awarded advertisements it comes and goes it takes advantage of an opportunity than vanishes into a award book so wide eyed new creatives can look at. Campaigns take advantage of singular opportunity to create buzz and die out a small business can't afford for that to happen , so that would investing another boatload of money to do another one again and again, its short term and unpredictable. 

And of course you have to create buzz but you have to have a strategy to it and you need to know that you need other systems going in place after the buzz or awareness have died out 

So first and foremost you have to nail direct outreach and understand the relationship of sending messages and getting responses and calls with key people who can get you in touch with parents/students. And then create powerful engaging content that pulls your prospect into your world to bring awareness to their pain and offer the solution to help them

Here it is reverse engineer your sales using push and pull

1. Direct outreach

Get a good idea of the issues your target market are facing, and be aware of the commonalities between parents, and schools and what benefits both , use that to create a message. Usually what motivates school staff to recommend you usually is beneficial to the parents, because the school wants to be able to recommend high quality people to the parents. So you have to make sure you have something valuable to offer otherwise none of these tactics I'm going to talk about is going to work for you

OK into the meat of it

I send 50-80 messages

20- 25 connect with me

5-8 respond

2-3 get on a call

And if your close ratio is at the a good 15- 20% you should be able to close 1 out 3 every time

And then your wondering but what if my scheduled calls that close get less and less doesn’t this make it a waste of time. Nope. because all you can do is increase volume and you will reap more or you learn how to sell better . If you can't get this right the two bottlenecks you experience are either not enough numbers or not knowing how to sell your value on calls

SO getting back to this...knowing how to predictably create sales is the first step , second is pushing it further, stepping on the accelerator

What happens when we compound this over time now things get interesting

5 days in a week excluding weekends

400 people reached out to

100 Connections

40 responses

10-15 calls

And with a 15%-20% close ratio at the lowest 2 or 3 calls closed

Now how does that work? In just a week you have quintupled the amount of sales calls you’ve got

Imagine the impact of this strategy in 3 months or a year yeah , massive.

Now of course you have to get the message right but once you do , this what you can expect, notice this is what you can predict, predictability, boom.


2. Content and Online Presence

Content and Online Presence is the second thing , this is to create perception that you are someone to be trusted and turn work with.

Pick a platform , Facebook ,LinkedIn are key in this market at least, make sure your profile reflects your clear communication of value, what makes you different and why its valuable

now add 5-6 pieces of key content pieces that involve these two things

Thought Leadership: This when you call out sacred cows, things that people have strong beliefs in and have accepted as the way things are , and how they should be when you go against that, and with substance and evidence, ( note your not creating controversy just because )

Aggravating Pain : Your understanding what keeps your ideal clients awake at night and your speaking to their daily pains, you create cognitive dissonance in your prospect ( this means two beliefs going against each other , your solution vs their idea of the problem ) They believe it can't be done , but your telling them you can and it is possible , you resolve that conflict in their mind and create conducive relief, ( making the perosn feel the problem is solved when it isn't ) this happens either when they click on schedule call link or decide to message you etc. When they have taken action that is when you know its working

OK so where's the predictably in this? Content is a long game which is why you couple it with direct messaging, when you start this the majority of sales will come from that alone, but as it goes, exponentially, content creates powerful market staying power so invest now to reap the rewards later.

But to add some effectiveness to your content posting to make it a bit more predictable

You can track the posts and measure which ones are doing good or not , screenshot the the comments and qualitative feedback , use that to improve your marketing, think ok of all these comments what is the bottom line here what is the overall pattern here , why was this effective, now create DNA offshoots of it , you made a post on how parents are pressuring their kids too much to go to college and causing anxiety that limits their potential , go into the nuances of that , why is that anxiety bad, what are the real deep consequences , how can we show kids importance of college or other routes that may lead to their passions, brainstorming and going deeper is the key here. And also track which posts generate calls, why was that topic so effective can we dig deeper here can we explore this subject more fully. This will seperate you from most as, most tutors are on the surface of what their content could really be.

The Effect of Small Quick Iterations

So by doing this you start to understand key market insights that help inform your marketing, copy , design much better, it becomes adaptable and improves like you're improving the next model of car. Your content and messaging becomes 1.0 , 2.0. 30 . and at 7.0 you'll have made a huge improvement. And oh , did I mention that these variations dont happen monthly they happen weekly, thats right while your competitors are stuck with the same message day in and day out , year after year, content post after content post , you have evolved the way you see your tutoring/ college consulting business. And also the parents and student and schools will also notice a difference in how clear , simple you are talking to them , how easy it is to see " yeah this worth putting money down for "

A lot of marketing campaigns and branding initiatives are static , monolithic ,or flash in the pan buzz. Either way, one is based on never adapting and refusing reality over brand dogma passively putting out content about “YOU” and the other is trying to play the circus clown jumping around for attention for a matter of seconds to get a sale or awareness

This all you need to know to reverse your sales and creating notoriety in your niche on social media whether it be Facebook or Linkedin

Just using this simple way of looking at outreach you can now tell by the number how you will get to the sale. And Then all you need to do is make sure your hitting those numbers and you will get a sale, it will happen no matter what because you have it down to the numbers you know exactly how its going to happen no matter how many variables or unpredictable things happen to your business this one thing you can be sure of. 

I practice what I preach everyday, i'm getting on calls, and I've been able to test this process on myself to enter the tutoring marketing niche for myself. So whatever I've given you today has been thoroughly tested beforehand and proven. And with my clients as well

Its a basic thing but if you can’t get in front of the people you want to do business with you’ll never have a predictable flow of sales opportunities that lead to sales. Serving impressions to the market whether through content or messages is the only way you know where your sales are coming from consistently. And then if you want to add novelty or buzz or whatever on top you can, but it won’t come at the cost of your monthly revenue sinking down. Hell yeah , go for it .

When you take basics over buzz , and make that the foundation you'll have what it takes to build clarity and certainty around how you get clients to your business , whether doing direct or inbound.

Stick to basics and create powerful engaging messages that get people calling you . content that makes people message you for calls and , when you talk to them or go actively out of your way to talk to them they understand why your valuable

I can only say my job is done with my clients when the message I've created resonates with the target market( parents, schools, students ),and

they aren't competing with

-other tutoring/ consulting companies

- inaction of a parent to not do anything or do it themselves

-the reluctance of a school to recommend them

and they have complete control that sales are going to be coming in for years to come

if this something that interests you and you want to get this part handled in your tutoring/ college consulting business,

click the link below to schedule a call and we will do a deep dive on what your problems are and how you can leave with clarity to do this



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