The Myth of Growth by Chronology . . .
Andrew Gray
Founder at APG Elite / Transforming Organisations via Implementation of Healthy & Empowering Leadership Values
When I say Chronology, I am referring to the sequential nature of passing time. Day becomes night. Night becomes day. We keep living. We get older. Time keeps ticking . . . . . You get the picture.
Many people believe that just by virtue of time passing (chronology), that there must somehow also be growth.
This is true in some instances. For example, a human life continues to grow and develop (physiologically), as a product of Chronology.
Unless of course they are Benjamin Button!
Despite growth being correlated to Chronology in some instances, does not mean that growth is always correlated to Chronology.
This is simply NOT TRUE!
For example, just because a person gets older by biological age, does not automatically mean they become wiser, more mature, more educated or more resilient. They should, and they can. But it IS NOT automatic.
Certain developmental traits and competencies do not correlate to Chronology at all, but rather are only increased and expanded by other types of growth. Two types in particular. It is these two types of growth I am encouraging all readers to evaluate, accept and harness.
The first type is "Stretch Growth"
Stretch Growth comes as a result of being under pressure, experiencing resistance and having our capacity challenged. Typically it is circumstantial by nature. Sometimes it also involves relationships. However, it always involves facing a situation that is beyond any previous level of learning, coping or understanding. We are forced to grow by being stretched, or shrink back because we give up mid process.
The second type is "Intentional growth"
Intentional Growth is what it sounds like. It is the growth we pursue on purpose because we have identified a shortfall in our skill set or experience, that will become increasingly problematic in the future, and so we choose to do something about it now.
Without doubt the most powerful methods of harnessing Intentional growth are:
So I urge you . . . . break ties with the myth that just because you are ageing, you are growing. You may be growing, but it won't be as a result of your ageing. Growth comes to each of us by Stretching & Intentionality.